
Title: Research Scientist
Role: Research in glacial landscape evolution of northern Canada, to improve mineral exploration success
Organization: Natural Resources Canada
Title: Fire Management Systems Analyst
Organization: Natural Resources Canada
Title: Forest Health Supervising Technician
Organization: Natural Resources Canada
Title: Research Scientist
Organization: Natural Resources Canada
Title: Remote Sensing Analyst
Organization: Natural Resources Canada
Title: Head, Explosives Research and Development
Role: Research on the safety and security of explosives and other energetic materials
Organization: Natural Resources Canada
Title: Research Scientist
Role: Environmental monitoring at regional to continental scales using satellite datasets. Modelling water and energy interchanges between vegetated ecosystems and the atmosphere.
Organization: Natural Resources Canada
Location: 506 Rochester Street, Ottawa, K1S 5K2
Title: Intensive Fibre Management Specialist
Organization: Natural Resources Canada
Title: Fire Research Analyst
Organization: Natural Resources Canada
Title: Community Energy Specialist
Role: Raymond Boulter has been working with the CanmetENERGY Buildings & Renewables group since 2010 as a Community Energy Specialist, mainly focused on community-scale energy use assessment and district energy applications. He also currently serves as the...
Organization: Natural Resources Canada