
Showing 1 to 10 of 817 items

Title: Extreme event attribution scientist
Role: Climate research: attribution of extreme events and temperature changes in Canada. 
Organization: Environment and Climate Change Canada
Location: 2474 Arbutus Road, Victoria, BC, V8N 1V8
Title: Research Scientist - Groundwater -surface water interactions, Agricultural impacts on groundwater
Organization: Environment and Climate Change Canada
Title: Scientific Researcher - Hydrological Forecasting
Role: Develop automated systems that: - continuously estimate the quantity of precipitation falling over the canadian territory - estimate and forecast water levels and flows, with an emphasis on transboundary waters - provide gridded surface weather datasets...
Organization: Environment and Climate Change Canada
Title: Research Scientist
Role: Dr Diane Lavoie is a senior research scientist at Fisheries and Oceans Canada (Maurice Lamontagne Institute). She works on the development of coupled physical-biogeochemical models in the Northwest Atlantic with an emphasis on the Gulf of St. Lawrence....
Organization: Fisheries and Oceans Canada
Title: Research Scientist
Role: Research focusing on zoonotic illness
Organization: Public Health Agency of Canada
Title: Environmental Scientist
Role: Lead water monitoring on the Great Lakes Connecting Channels
Organization: Environment and Climate Change Canada
Location: Burlington, Ontario
Title: Research Scientist
Role: Research on mixing processes and the climate of the Gulf of St Lawrence
Organization: Fisheries and Oceans Canada
Title: Research Scientist - Research on Groundwater Quality and Related Processes
Organization: Environment and Climate Change Canada
Title: Research Scientist
Role: Contributing to Environment and Climate Change Canada’s mandate to asses the impacts of aquatic contaminants on freshwater ecosystems Investigate the toxicity of priority contaminants (e.g., industrial chemicals, pharmaceuticals) to freshwater snails...
Organization: Environment and Climate Change Canada
Location: Burlington, Ontario
Title: Remote Sensing Scientist
Organization: Natural Resources Canada
Location: 580 Booth St, Ottawa, ON K1A 0E4