Molecular variation, genetic structure and antioxidants in Vaccinium germplasm


Debnath, S.C., Ross, K., Siow, Y.L., Simms, D., Ellsworth, S. and Bhatt, D. (2023). Molecular variation, genetic structure and antioxidants in Vaccinium germplasm. Acta Hortic. 1357, 123-128. DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2023.1357.18;

Résumé en langage clair

Blueberry, cranberry and lingonberry are three economically and medicinally high-value crop that belongs to the genus Vaccinium L. Global production of these crops increased significantly in recent years due to their potential health benefits. Evaluation of wild Vaccinium plants is of significant importance for their use as cultivars or in a breeding program. This review describes the progress of molecular study and antioxidant properties in wild Vaccinium plants and their utilization for growing in northern Canada.


Blueberry, cranberry and lingonberry are three economically and medicinally high-value crop that belongs to the genus Vaccinium L. Global production of these crops increased significantly in recent years due to their potential health benefits. Evaluation of wild Vaccinium germplasm is of significant importance for their utilization in maintaining biodiversity and for proprietary-rights protection. Molecular diversity and antioxidant analyses in Vaccinium germplasm will facilitate not only for a reliable genotypes classification but also for possible use directly as cultivars or in a breeding program. This review describes the progress of molecular diversity and antioxidant analyses in wild Vaccinium species and their utilization in genetic enhancement of Vaccinium berry crops for northern Canada.