
Title: Technician
Role: Forest Invasive Alien Species
Organization: Natural Resources Canada
Title: Adminstrative Assistant
Organization: Natural Resources Canada
Title: Deforestation Specialist
Organization: Natural Resources Canada
Title: Research Engineer
Role: Ryan Kilpatrick is a research engineer at CanmetENERGY-Ottawa, Natural Resources Canada. In this role, he is responsible for conducting research on various aspects of wind farm performance, wind power forecasting, renewable energy integration and...
Organization: Natural Resources Canada
Title: Research Geoscientist
Role: Modeling and project management related to groundwater resources characterisation and to the study of potential impacts of various factors that may affect groundwater.
Organization: Natural Resources Canada
Title: Research geoscientist
Role: Regional geology, tectonics, basin analysis
Organization: Natural Resources Canada
Title: Research Geoscientist
Organization: Natural Resources Canada
Title: Research Geoscientist
Role: Economic Geology, Ni-Cu-Cr-PGE orthomagmatic deposits associated with mafic and ultramafic rocks, Ni-Cu-(PGE) sulfide deposits, and volcanogeny associated with komatiites.
Organization: Natural Resources Canada
Title: Research Geoscientist
Role: Research in Precambrian and Economic Geology
Organization: Natural Resources Canada
Title: Manager, Business Office - CanmetENERGY (Ottawa) – Innovation and Energy Technology Sector
Role: *Manage a team of seven professionals responsible for the coordination of our research lab’s dealing with external stakeholders from industry, academia and international collaborators. *Coordinate the use of appropriate mechanisms, including...
Organization: Natural Resources Canada