Dr. Manuel Juárez

Image Manuel Maria Juarez Davila
Livestock Phenomics Scientist

Dr. Manuel Juárez coordinates the Livestock Phenomics program, linking livestock genomics and phenotypical research focused on meat production. Dr. Juárez applies a holistic approach to evaluate the interactions between genetic and environmental factors, being able to quantify their relative contribution on animal performance, carcass and meat quality traits. Breeders can benefit from being able to select and sort animals based on current and expected market conditions. His goal is the optimization of livestock production systems to maximize profitability while maintaining or enhancing carcass and meat quality.

Current research and/or projects

  • Augmented reality for pork primal classification based on quality attributes. Alberta Innovates. 2022-2023.
  • The Profitability of Classifying Alberta Pork Based on Quality Attributes. Alberta Agriculture. 2021-2023.
  • Big data and Graphic Processing Unit (GPU) accelerated data science for high-throughput carcass and pork quality phenotyping. Ontario Pork. 2021-2023.
  • Enhancing beef production efficiency by optimizing carcass composition via predictive analytics and genomic selection. AAFC-ABase. 2021-2023.
  • Classifying Canadian pork based on quality attributes. Swine Innovation Porc. 2018-2023.
  • Alternative grading technologies for the pork industry. A cost-benefit analysis. Results Driven Agriculture Research. 2021-2023.
  • Big data and Graphic Processing Unit (GPU) accelerated data science for high-throughput carcass and pork quality phenotyping. Ontario Pork. 2021-2023

  • Developing a Canadian Total Quality Management System for Beef Processing.  Beef Cattle Research Council. 2018-2023.
  • Canada's National Beef Quality Audit at Retail and Processing. Beef Cattle Research Council. 2020-2023.

Research and/or project statements

  • Linking livestock genomics and phenotypical research
  • Evaluation of interactions between genetic and environmental factors
  • Selection of animals and production systems based on current and expected market conditions
  • Optimization of livestock production systems to maximize profitability while maintaining or enhancing carcass and meat quality

Professional activities / interests

  • Associate Editor in the area of Meat Science for the Canadian Journal of Animal Science
  • Past President Canadian Meat Science Association
  • Volunteer at the Alberta Science Network

Education and awards


  • Management and Leadership Development Program. Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada. 2016
  • Master in Management of Agri-Food Companies. EOI Spain (Executive Education International). 2008
  • PhD in Animal Production. European PhD Program. University of Seville. 2007
  • Master Business Administration (MBA). International Business Centre (CEREM). 2003
  • Doctor Veterinary Medicine. University of Cordoba. 2002


  • Award for Best Communication in the area of “Meat and Health”. 56th International Congress of Meat Science and Technology (ICoMST). Jeju, South Korea. 2010
  • 2007-2008 PhD Award of Excellence. University of Seville. 2010
  • Award Young Researcher “Intervet”. SEOC (Spanish Sheep and Goat Breeders Association). Badajoz. Spain. 2003
  • Award Best Scientific Communication. 7th Army Veterinary Congress. Madrid. Spain. 2003

International experience and/or work

2020-2021: A/Associate Director Research Development and Technology. AAFC-Lethbridge and Lacombe Research and Development Centres

2019: A/Director Research Development and Technology (Alberta).

2017-218: A/Associate Director Research Development and Technology. AAFC-Lethbridge and Summerland Research and Development Centres.

2017-2108: President Canadian Meat Science Association.

2012-2013: A/Director of Operations. AAFC-Lacombe Research Centre. Lacombe, AB, Canada.

2011-Present: Livestock Phenomics Scientist. Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada. Lacombe, AB, Canada.

2009-20110: NSERC Post-doctoral Fellow. Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada. Lacombe, AB, Canada.

2008: Quality Differentiation Specialist. Spanish Association of Malagueña Goat Breeders. Malaga, Spain.

2007: Meat Quality Researcher. Italian Agriculture Research Council (C.R.A.). Monterotondo, Rome. Italy.

2005-2006: Research Assistant. TEAGASC. Ashtown Food Research Centre. Dublin, Ireland.

2003-2004: Veterinary and Production Manager. Honkolan Kartano. Urjala, Finland.

2002-2003: Applied Geneticist. Spanish Merino Sheep Breeders’ Association. Madrid, Spain.

Key publications

  1. W. Barragán, J.L. Aalhus, G. Penner, M.E.R. Dugan, M. Juárez, Ó. López-Campos, P. Vahmani, J. Segura, J. Angulo and N. Prieto, 2020. Authentication of barley-finished beef using visible and near infrared spectroscopy (Vis-NIRS) and different discrimination approaches. Meat Science,172,108342.

    2021 - View publication details

  2. Ham- and shoulder-face characteristics in relation to pork primal composition. Banff Pork Seminar 2021. Banff, AB, January 2021.

    2021 - View publication details

  3. Bioimage analysis for estimation of mid-loin marbling from external marbling on the boneless pork loin. Le Porc Show 2020. Quebec City, QC, November 2020.

    2020 - View publication details

  4. Uttaro, B., Zawadski, S., Juárez, M. (2020). An approach for objective and automated identification of pork belly firmness, 169 http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.meatsci.2020.108221

    2020 - View publication details

  5. Aplicación de nuevas tecnologías en la clasificación de canales. J. Segura, N. Prieto, M. Juárez, J.L. Aalhus, W. Barragán-Hernández, Ó. López-Campos. Eurocarne nº 290. October 2020

    2020 - View publication details

  6. Potential of visible and near infrared spectroscopy to authenticate barley finished beef. W. Barragan, J. L. Aalhus, G. B. Penner, M. E. Dugan, M. Juarez, O. Lopez-­Campos, P. Vahmani, J. Segura, J. Angulo, N. Prieto. Proceedings of International Congress of Meat Science and Reciprocal Meat Conference. Number 156 August 2020

    2020 - View publication details

  7. Evaluation of the computer vision system (CVS) to predict primal composition of mature cows. J. Segura, J. L. Aalhus, I. L. Larsen, N. Prieto, M. Juarez, O. Lopez-­Campos. Proceedings of International Congress of Meat Science and Reciprocal Meat Conference. Number 151 August 2020

    2020 - View publication details

  8. Discrimination between Barley and Corn finished Beef by visible and near infrared spectroscopy. W. Barragan, J.L. Aalhus, G.B. Penner, M.E.R. Dugan, M. Juárez, Ó. López-Campos, P. Vahmani, J. Segura, J. Angulo, and N. Prieto. CMSA-ASCV 2020

    2020 - View publication details

  9. Predicción de la composición de la canal mediante espectroscopía de infrarrojo cercano en el pabellón auricular de cerdos. N. Prieto, J. Segura, M.E.R. Dugan, M. Juárez, Ó. López-Campos, R.T. Zijlstra, J.L. Aalhus. Eurocarne nº 282 Décembre 2020

    2019 - View publication details

  10. M.E.R. Dugan, V. Salazar, D.C. Rolland, P. Vahmani, J.L. Aalhus, Ó. Lo´ pez-Campos, N. Prieto, and
    M. Juárez. 2019. Retail lamb fat composition in western Canada. dx.doi.org/10.1139/cjas-2019-0003

    2019 - View publication details

  11. Volatile compounds responsible for the fishy off-flavour in Beef with enhanced healthful fatty acids. N. Prieto, R. Thacker, I.L. Larsen, M.E.R. Dugan, P. Vahmani, M. Juárez, Ó. López-Campos, J.L. Aalhus. CMSA-ASCV 2018

    2018 - View publication details

  12. In-the bag dry ageing as a strategy to produce value added Beef with enhanced flavor profiles. N. Prieto*, R. Thacker, I.L. Larsen, Ó. López-Campos, M. Juárez and J.L. Aalhus. CMSA-ASCV

    2018 - View publication details

  13. Uttaro, B., Zawadski, S., Aalhus, J., Lopez-Campos, O., Prieto, N., Juarez, M. (2018) Towards an automated pork belly system based on degree of firmness. 64th International Congress of Meat Science and Technology (ICoMST), August 12-17, 2018, Melbourne, Australia

    2018 - View publication details

  14. Soladoye, O.P., Prieto, N., Lopez-Campos, O., Aalhus, J.L., Uttaro, B., Roberts, J.C., Larsen, I., Shand, P., Gariépy, C., Juárez, M. (2018). Potential of near infrared (NIR) spectroscopy and dual energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) in predicting pork belly softness. Meat Science, [online] 142 1-4. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.meatsci.2018.03.025

    2018 - View publication details

  15. n/a

    2018 - View publication details

  16. Juarez, M., Horcada, A., Prieto, N., Roberts, J.C., Dugan, M.E.R., Lopez-Campos, O, Uttaro, B., Larsen, I.L., Hosford, S., Galbraith J., Aalhus J.L. 2017 Guaranteeing Canadian lamb meat quality using near infrared spectroscopy on intact rack. Can J Anim Sci. 98: 390-393. doi:10.1139/CJAS-2017-0106

    2018 - View publication details

  17. Banff Pork Seminars 2018.
    abstract A-16

    2018 - View publication details

  18. Juárez, M., Roberts, J.C., López-Campos, Ó., Prieto, N., Aalhus, J.L. (2018). Focusing on phenomics to unlock the potential of livestock genomics. CAB Reviews: Perspectives in Agriculture, Veterinary Science, Nutrition and Natural Resources, [online] 13 http://dx.doi.org/10.1079/PAVSNNR201813019

    2018 - View publication details

  19. Prieto, N., Osika, E., Aalhus, J.L., Lopez-Campos, O., Juarez, M., Pawluczyk, O. (2018). Application of hyperspectral imaging on meat and meat products, 13 http://dx.doi.org/10.1079/PAVSNNR201813042

    2018 - View publication details

  20. Roberts, J.C., and Juarez, M. 2017. The value of carcass and meat quality information. In BeefTech 2017. Edmonton, Canada.

    2017 - View publication details

Research facility

6000 C and E Trail
Lacombe, AB T4L 1W1


  • Adjunct Professor University of Saskatchewan
  • Adjunct Professor University of Manitoba
  • Adjunct Professor University of Guelph



Other languages

Spanish, Italian