Gerald Tetreault

Image Gerald Tetreault
Chercheur scientific - Division de la recherche sur les contaminants aquatiques

Recherche et / ou projets en cours

Évaluation des effets des contaminants sur des populations de poissons, la structure des communautés et l'état reproductif du poisson

  • Effets des effluents d'eaux usées urbaines dans les milieux récepteurs du Canada
  • Effets physiologiques nuisibles des hormones naturelles et synthétiques ainsi que des produits pharmaceutiques à l'origine de perturbations du système endocrinien chez des poissons à l'état sauvage
  • Échantillonnages sur le terrain visant à déterminer les répercussions sur des populations de poissons exposés aux effluents de sables bitumineux dans le nord de l'Alberta, aux effluents d'usines de pâtes et papiers et au ruissellement agricole
  • Liens entre une altération de la santé des poissons et des changements dans la structure de leurs communautés
  • Assesment de la santé des poissons à côté de l'exploitation des sables bitumineux
  • Évaluation des effets cumulatifs à l'échelle des bassins versants

Activités professionnelles / intérêts

Membre du conseil d'administration de l'atelier sur la toxicité aquatique (2005-2007), et membre du comité organisateur de cet atelier, 2003 et 2006

Coorganisation du forum de recherche du bassin hydrographique de la rivière Grand (2005 et 2006) et membre du comité responsable du plan de mise en oeuvre de la gestion des pêches de la Grand River Conservation Authority, Cambridge (ON)

Conseil de direction étudiant, Réseau canadien de l'eau (2006)

Membre, Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC) (depuis 1999) et de la section laurentienne de la Société (depuis 2006)

Prix et études

Ph.D., toxicologie aquatique, Université de Waterloo, Waterloo

M. Sc., toxicologie aquatique, Université de Waterloo, Waterloo

B. Sc. (spécialisé), biologie, Université de Guelph, Guelph

Principales publications

Tetreault GR, Kleywegt S, Marjan P, Bragg L. Arlos M, Fuzzen ML, Smith B, Massarky A, McMaster ME, Moon T, Meltcalfe C, Oakes K, Servos MR. 2015. Response of fish to remedial actions at select sewage treatment plants in the Grand River. In prep.

Pinheiro MDO, Simmons DBD, Villella M, Tetreault G R, Muir DCG, McMaster ME, Hewitt LM, Parrott JL, Brown SB, Sherry JP. 2015. Wild fish health at the St. Lawrence River (Cornwall) Area of Concern: potential links between endocrine-related effects and elevated concentrations of PCBs and mercury. In prep.

Robinson CS, Tetreault GR, McMaster ME, Servos MR. 2015. Differential response of two darters species (Etheostoma blennioides and E. caeruleum) to tertiary treated municipal wastewater effluent in a small receiving environment. Accepted in Ecol Ind

Dahmer SC, Tetreault GR, Hall RI, Munkittrick KR, McMaster ME, Servos MR. 2015. Historical trends of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and dibenzofurans in white sucker (Catostomus commersoni) liver and dated sediment cores from Jackfish Bay, Lake Superior. Accepted in Environ Toxicol Chem

Fuzzen ML, Bennett CJ, Tetreault GR, McMaster ME, Servos MR. 2015. Severe intersex is predictive of poor fertilization success in populations of rainbow darter (Etheostoma caeruleum). Accepted in Aquat Toxicol

Stanfield LW, Del Giudice L, Lutscher F, Trudeau M, Alexander L, Fagan WF, Fertik R, Mackereth R, Richardson JS, Shrestha N, Tetreault G, Wipfli MS. 2014. A Discussion Paper on: Cumulative effects from alteration of headwater drainage features and the loss of ecosystem integrity of river networks. Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources, Glenora, Ontario 21pp

Bahamonde PA, Fuzzen MM, Bennett CJ, Tetreault GR, McMaster ME, Servos MR, Martyniuk CJ, Munkittrick KR. 2014. Intersex severity in rainbow darter (Etheostoma caeruleum) in the Grand River basin, ON, Canada. Part A. Accepted in Aquat Toxicol

Bahamonde PA, Tetreault GR, McMaster ME, Servos MR, Martyniuk CJ, Munkittrick KR. 2014. Molecular signatures in rainbow darter (Etheostoma caeruleum) inhabiting an urbanized river reach receiving wastewater effluents. Aquat Toxicol 148:211-220.

Tetreault, G. R., Bennett, C. J., Servos, M.R., McMaster, M.E. 2014. Optimization of effects-assessment of Greenside Darter (Etheostoma blennioides) exposed to tertiary treated municipal wastewater based on seasonal changes of reproductive endpoints. Environ Toxicol Chem DOI: 10.1002/etc.2526.

Feswick A, Ankley GT, Denslow N, Ellestad LE Fuzzen M, Jensen KM, Kroll K, Lister A, MacLatchy DL, McMaster ME, Orlando EF, Servos MR, Tetreault GR, Van Den Heuvel MR, Munkittrick KR. 2014 An inter-laboratory study on the variability in measured concentrations of 17β-estradiol, testosterone and 11-ketotestosterone in white sucker: implications and recommendations. Environ Toxicol Chem DOI: 10.1002/etc.2503

Tetreault GR, Brown CJM, Bennett CJ, Oakes KD, McMaster ME, Servos MR. 2013. Fish community responses to multiple municipal wastewater inputs in a watershed. Integ Ecosyst Assess Manage DOI: 10.1002/ieam.1364

Brasfield SM, Tetreault GR, McMaster ME, Bennett J, Munkittrick KR. 2013. Seasonal patterns of gonad size, liver size, and in vitro gonadal steroidogenic capacity in slimy sculpin (Cottus cognatus). Water Qual Res J Can 48(3):243-254

Tanna R, Tetreault GR, Bennett CJ, Smith B, Bragg L, Oakes K, McMaster ME, Servos MR. 2013 Occurrence and degree of intersex (testis-ova) across an urban gradient in the Grand River, Ontario, Canada. Environ Toxicol Chem (doi/10.1002/ect.2262)

Tetreault GR, Bennett CJ, Cheng C, Servos MR, McMaster ME. 2012. Reproductive and histopathological effects in wild fish inhabiting an effluent-dominated stream, Wascana Creek, SK, Canada. Aquat Toxicol 110-111:149-161

Boxall AB, Rudd MA, Brooks BW, Caldwell DJ, Choi K, Hickmann S, Innes E, Ostapyk K, Staveley JP, Verslycke T, Ankley GT, Beazley KF, Belanger SE, Berninger JP, Carriquiriborde P, Coors A, Deleo P.C., Dyer SD, Ericson JF, Gagné F, Giesy JP, Gouin T, Hallstrom L, Karlsson MV, Larsson DG, Lazorchak JM, Mastrocco F, McLaughlin A, McMaster ME, Meyerhoff RD, Moore R, Parrott JL, Snape JR, Murray-Smith R, Servos MR, Sibley PK, Straub JO, Szabo ND, Topp E, Tetreault GR, Trudeau VL, Van Der Kraak G.2012. Pharmaceuticals and personal care products in the environment: what are the big questions? Environ Health Perspect 120(9):1221-9 doi: 10.1289/ehp.1104477

Tetreault GR, Bennett CJ, Shires K, Knight B, Servos MR, McMaster ME. 2011. Intersex and reproductive impairment of two species wild fish exposed to multiple municipal wastewater discharges. Aquat Toxicol 114:278-290

Brown CJM, Knight BW, McMaster ME, Munkittrick KR, Oakes KD, Tetreault GR, Servos MR. 2011. The effects of tertiary treated municipal wastewater on fish communities of a small river tributary in Southern Ontario, Canada. Environ Poll 159:1923-1931

Chiang G, Munkittrick KR, Saavedra MF, Tucca F, McMaster ME, Urrutia R, Tetreault G, Gavilan JF, Barra R. 2010. Seasonal changes in reproductive endpoints in Trichomycterus areolatus (Siluriformes: Trichomycteridae) and Percilia (Perciformes, Percilidae) and the consequences for environmental monitoring. Study Neotrop Fauna Environ 46(3):185-196


Tetreault G, McMaster M, Bennett J, Spina S, McInnis R, McKeag A, Servos M. 2009. Investigation of community, population and individual responses of fish exposed to multiple municipal wastewater effluents in Canada. Can Tech Rep Fish Aquat Sci no. 2841:124


Bowron LK, Munkittrick KR, McMaster ME, Tetreault GR, Hewitt LM. 2009. Responses of white sucker (Catostomus commersoni) to 20 years of process and waste treatment changes at a bleached kraft pulp mill, and to mill shutdown. Aquat Toxicol 95:117-132

Farwell AJ, Parrott JL, Sherry JP, Tetreault GR, Van Meer T, Dixon DG. 2009. Use of stable carbon and nitrogen isotopes to trace natural and anthropogenic inputs into riverine systems in the Athabasca Oil Sands region. Water Qual Res J Can 44(2)               

McDaniel TV, Martin PA, Struger J, Sherry J, Marvin CH, McMaster ME, Clarence S, Tetreault G. 2008. Potential endocrine disruption of sexual development in free ranging male northern leopard frogs (Rana pipiens) and green frogs (Rana clamitans) from areas of intensive row crop agriculture. Aquat Toxicol 88(4):230-242

Palace V, Wautier K, Evans R, Blanchfield P, Mills K, Chalanchuk S, Godard D, McMaster M, Tetreault G, Peters L, Vanderbyllaardt L, and Kidd K. 2006. Biochemical and Histopathological Effects of Ethynylestradiol in Pearl Dace (Semotilus margarita) Exposed to the Synthetic Estrogen in a Whole Lake Experiment. Environ Toxicol Chem 25(4):1114-1125

McMaster ME, Hewitt LM, Tetreault GR, Janoscik T, Boyco C, Peters L, Parrott JL, Van der Kraak GJ, Portt CB, Kroll KJ, Denslow ND. 2005. Detailed endocrine assessments of wild fish in the Northern River Basins, Alberta, in comparison to EEM monitored endpoints. Water Qual Res J Can 40(3):299-314

McMaster ME, Hewitt LM, Tetreault GR, Van Der Kraak GJ, Portt CB, Denslow N. 2004. Detailed endocrine assessments in wild fish within the Northern Rivers Basins. Environment Canada, Northern Rivers Ecosystem Initiative: Collective Findings

Tetreault GR, McMaster ME, Dixon GD, Parrott JL. 2003. Using reproductive endpoints in small forage fish species to evaluate the effects of Athabasca Oil Sands activities on the environment. Environ Toxicol Chem 22(11):2775-2782

Tetreault GR, McMaster ME, Dixon GD, Parrott JL. 2003. Physiological and biochemical responses of Ontario Slimy sculpin (Cottus cognatus) to sediment from the Athabasca Oil Sands Area. Water Qual Res J Can 38(2):361-377

Installation de recherche

867, chemin Lakeshore
Burlington, ON L7S 1A1



University of Waterloo (Adjunct)

Réseau canadien de l'eau

Canadian Rivers Institute

