
Title: Research Scientist
Role: Research in bulk and sheet metal forming processes: computation and experiment
Organization: Natural Resources Canada
Title: Research Scientist
Role: Marine geoscientific research on Canada’s continental margins to understand their surficial geology, glacial history, and geohazard potential.
Organization: Natural Resources Canada
Title: Research Scientist
Role: Materials Research Using Transmission Electron Microscopy.
Organization: Natural Resources Canada
Title: Research Scientist
Role: Research in fundamental science that governs chemical and physical processes.
Organization: Natural Resources Canada
Title: Head, Geoscience Analysis and Information Section
Role: Manager of GIS-IM-IT section, lead for GSC Corporate Information Management, the Geological Map Flow, Central division IT
Organization: Natural Resources Canada
Title: Expert, Geoscience Information and Knowledge Management.
Organization: Natural Resources Canada
Title: Smart Grid Project Leader
Organization: Natural Resources Canada
Title: Research Scientist
Role: Marine Geoscience
Organization: Natural Resources Canada
Title: Research Scientist
Role: My research covers a wide range of earth science topics, mainly in the field of crustal deformation, earthquakes, tectonics, climate change and sea level change. A major part of my research has been focusing on to the development and usage of space...
Organization: Natural Resources Canada
Title: Research Engineer
Organization: Natural Resources Canada