
Title: Analyst and Researcher
Role: My areas of expertise include oral health, epidemiology, public health, health program assessment, and knowledge mobilization. My professional role revolves around bringing knowledge and evidence into practice as well as facilitating the involvement of...
Organization: Public Health Agency of Canada
Title: Policy Analyst
Role: Sexual health program Infectious Disease Prevention and Control Branch
Organization: Public Health Agency of Canada
Location: Ottawa
Title: Senior Reviewer
Role: I evaluate human clinical and non-clinical data related to cardiovascular medical devices. This includes applications for new or amended licenses, Special Access and Investigational Testing Authorities.
Organization: Health Canada
Location: NCR
Title: Senior Scientific Evaluator
Organization: Health Canada
Location: 269 Laurier Ave. W, Ottawa, Ontario
Role: Post-market prescription drug safety surveillance.
Organization: Health Canada
Location: NCR
Title: A/Problematic Prescription Drug Use Team Lead & Food Surveillance Expert
Role: Working within the Controlled Substances Program on the Problematic Prescription Drug Use file as well as acting as an expert on the food surveillance front for the International Protected Persons Program. 
Organization: Health Canada
Title: Assessment Officer
Role: I am an experienced Regulatory Toxicologist with a demonstrated history of working for the Canadian government performing hazard identification and risk assessment work with some supervisory experience. Currently on assignment with the Office of Clinical...
Organization: Health Canada
Title: Senior Clinical Evaluator
Role: Clinical review of new therapeutic products seeking market authorization in Canada.
Organization: Health Canada
Title: Medical Epidemiologist
Role: Research to better understand the influence of indoor and outdoor air quality on the health of Canadians
Organization: Health Canada
Location: Tunney's Pasture, Ottawa
Title: Scientific Evaluator
Role: 1) Pre-market & Post-market Review of Biologics & biotechnological Drugs2) Risk/Benefit Assessment of Drugs
Organization: Health Canada
Location: 200 Eglantine Driveway, Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0K9, AL: 1906B Jeanne Mance Bldg