
Showing 41091 to 41100 of 41127 items

Title: Geomatics Specialist
Role: Lead Project Officer of the National Elevation System
Organization: Natural Resources Canada
Location: Centre for Topographic Information, Sherbrooke, Quebec
Title: Manager, Business Development
Organization: Natural Resources Canada
Location: National Capital Region
Title: Acting Manager, Patient Safety and Risk Communications Section
Role: Oversee a team of healthcare professionals (pharmaicsts and nurse) and scientific staff who (a) assess medication incidents related to name, package and label of health products; and (b)coordinate the development of risk communications targeted to...
Organization: Health Canada
Title: Senior Epidemiologist
Role: Conduct scientific research that evaluates how human health is affected by atmospheric systems, including air pollution and weather.
Organization: Health Canada
Location: Ottawa
Title: Aquatic Technician
Organization: Fisheries and Oceans Canada
Title: Assistant Biologist
Role: I provide biological advice and assistance to fisheries planning in the lower Fraser River.
Organization: Fisheries and Oceans Canada
Location: Vancouver, BC
Title: Senior Fisheries Management Biologist
Organization: Fisheries and Oceans Canada
Location: DFO Iqaluit Office
Title: Analyst and Researcher
Role: My areas of expertise include oral health, epidemiology, public health, health program assessment, and knowledge mobilization. My professional role revolves around bringing knowledge and evidence into practice as well as facilitating the involvement of...
Organization: Public Health Agency of Canada
Title: Policy Analyst
Role: Sexual health program Infectious Disease Prevention and Control Branch
Organization: Public Health Agency of Canada
Location: Ottawa
Title: Senior Reviewer
Role: I evaluate human clinical and non-clinical data related to cardiovascular medical devices. This includes applications for new or amended licenses, Special Access and Investigational Testing Authorities.
Organization: Health Canada
Location: NCR

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