
Title: Regional Regulatory Compliance & Enforcement Officer
Organization: Health Canada
Title: Research Scientist
Role: Leading a research team in method development for the quality assessment of viral vaccines.
Organization: Health Canada
Title: Director, Zoonotic Diseases and Special Pathogens Division
Role: Applied and basic research involving the study of viral zoonotic and vector-borne pathogens
Organization: Public Health Agency of Canada
Title: Chief, National Reference Centre for Mycobacteriology
Role: Conducts and manages research projects on the molecular mechanisms of drug resistance, new bioMarkers and vaccine for tuberculosis
Organization: Public Health Agency of Canada
Title: Research Scientist
Role: Research Scientist in Zoonotic Diseases and Special Pathogens section with focus on laboratory and field-based surveillance for various zoonotic disease agents
Organization: Public Health Agency of Canada
Title: Chief of the Viral exanthemata and STD Section
Role: The laboratory performs surveillance and reference testing for measles mumps and rubella, human herpesviruses, papillomaviruses and chlamydia
Organization: Public Health Agency of Canada
Title: Head of Computational Biology Unit
Role: Research scientist and head of the Computational Biology Unit Bioinformatics Section
Organization: Public Health Agency of Canada
Title: Chief: National Laboratory for HIV Immunology, National HIV and Retrovirology Laboratories
Role: Directs programs ensuring the accuracy and reliability of HIV diagnostics across Canada, and Internationally.  A mucosal immunologist, researching the innate and adaptive immune responses to HIV and other Pathogens.
Organization: Public Health Agency of Canada
Title: Head, Streptococcus and STI Unit
Role: Provides laboratory reference and surveillance
Organization: Public Health Agency of Canada
Title: Veterinary epidemiologist
Role: As an epidemiologist in the Public Health Risk Sciences Division at the National Microbiology Laboratory, I implement epidemiological projects to identify and assess risk factors associated with zoonotic diseases, as well as better understand their...
Organization: Public Health Agency of Canada