
Showing 211 to 220 of 497 items

Title: Research Geoscientist
Role: Structural geology, tectonics and geochronology.
Organization: Natural Resources Canada
Title: Research Scientist
Role: My role at CanmetENERGY is to develop and run computer models, as well as to test concepts with experiments in an effort to reduce energy consumption in Canadian housing and buildings.
Organization: Natural Resources Canada
Title: Research Scientist
Role: Leading a research team to develop methodologies for the quality assessment and control of vaccines and biotherapeutics.
Organization: Health Canada
Title: Research Scientist
Role: Canadian Food Inspection Agency, Charlottetown Laboratory; coordinates and conducts research and technology development for the detection, identification, and classification of plant pathogenic bacteria of regulatory importance. Specialises in potato...
Organization: Canadian Food Inspection Agency
Title: Geomicrobiologist / Geochemist
Organization: Natural Resources Canada
Title: Head, Forest Information Strategy Section
Role: Knowledge Management; Report on Canada's Forests using Criteria and Indicators
Organization: Natural Resources Canada
Location: 580 Booth Street, Ottawa
Title: Biologist
Organization: Fisheries and Oceans Canada
Title: Research Scientist
Organization: Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
Location: 960 Carling Ave. Ottawa, Ontario.
Title: Research Scientist
Role: By working with others and conducting high quality research, generate scientific information to help prevent or reduce risks to human health, and help Canadians make informed decisions. 
Organization: Health Canada
Title: Molecular Genetics Research Scientist
Organization: Fisheries and Oceans Canada