Welfare of pigs during transport


Nielsen, S.S., Alvarez, J., Bicout, D.J., Calistri, P., Canali, E., Drewe, J.A., Garin-Bastuji, B., Gonzales Rojas, J.L., Gortázar Schmidt, C., Michel, V., Miranda Chueca, M.A., Padalino, B., Pasquali, P., Roberts, H.C., Spoolder, H., Stahl, K., Velarde Calvo, A., Viltrop, A., Winckler, C., Earley, B., Edwards, S., Faucitano, L., Marti, S., Miranda de La Lama, G.C., Nanni Costa, L., Thomsen, P.T, Ashe, S., Mur, L., Van der Stede, Y. and Herskin, M.S. (2022). Scientific Opinion: Welfare of Pigs during Transport. EFSA Panel on Animal Health and Welfare (AHAW). EFSA J., 20(9):7445; doi: 10.2903/j.efsa.2022.7445.

Résumé en langage clair

In the framework of its Farm to Fork Strategy, the Commission is undertaking a comprehensive
evaluation of the animal welfare legislation, including Council Regulation (EC) No 1/2005. The current EU legislation on the protection of animals during transport is based on a Scientific Opinion adopted in 2002. Against this background, the European Commission requested the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) to give an independent view on the protection of animals during transport for different groups and categories of farmed animals. It also requested EFSA to propose detailed measures to prevent hazards and mitigate the welfare consequences for seven specific scenarios. This Opinion deals with the protection of pigs during transport. The scientific assessment was carried out by breaking down the transport of pigs into four distinct stages, namely preparation, loading/unloading, transit and journey breaks. each stage was described in terms of current practice and assessed in terms of welfare consequences, animal-based measures (ABMs), and hazards leading to the welfare consequences. In addition, recommendations to prevent hazards and to correct or mitigate welfare consequences were developed. Recommendations were also developed in relation to quantitative thresholds for microclimatic conditions and for spatial thresholds (minimal space allowance) within the means of transport. In addition, the development of welfare consequences over time were assessed in relation to maximum journey duration. In total, ten welfare consequences were identified as being highly relevant for the welfare of pigs during transport based on the severity, duration and frequency of occurrence. These were (i) group stress, (ii) handling stress, (iii) heat stress, (iv) injuries, (v) motion stress, (vi) prolonged hunger, (vii) prolonged thirst, (viii) resting problems, (ix) restriction of movement, and (x) sensory overstimulation.


In the framework of its Farm to Fork Strategy, the Commission is undertaking a comprehensive evaluation of the animal welfare legislation. The present Opinion deals with protection of pigs during transport. The welfare of pigs during transport by road is the main focus, but other means of transport are also covered. Current practices related to transport of pigs during the different stages (preparation, loading/unloading, transit and journey breaks) are described. Overall, 10 welfare

consequences were identified as highly relevant for the welfare of pigs during transport based on the severity, duration and frequency of occurrence: group stress, handling stress, heat stress, injuries, motion stress, prolonged hunger, prolonged thirst, restriction of movement, resting problems and sensory overstimulation. These welfare consequences and their animal-based measures are described. A variety of hazards were identified, mainly relating to factors such as mixing of unfamiliar pigs, inappropriate handling methods and devices, the use of pick-up pens, inexperienced/untrained handlers, structural deficiencies of vehicles and facilities, poor driving conditions, unfavourable microclimatic and environmental conditions and poor husbandry practices leading to these welfare consequences. The Opinion contains general and specific conclusions relating to the different stages of transport of pigs. Recommendations to prevent hazards and to correct or mitigate welfare consequences are made. Recommendations were also developed to define quantitative thresholds for microclimatic conditions and minimum space allowance within means of transport. The development of the welfare consequences over time was assessed in relation to maximum journey duration. The Opinion covers specific animal transport scenarios identified by the European Commission relating to
transport of cull sows and ‘special health status animals’, and lists welfare concerns associated with

Date de publication
