
Showing 21 to 30 of 210 items

Title: Physicist, Environmental Emergency Response Section
Role: Specialist in research, development and operations of atmospheric transport and dispersion models of pollutants for environmental emergency operational response
Organization: Environment and Climate Change Canada
Title: Manager of the ROEB Food Laboratory Burnaby
Role: Who we are and what we do? The Food Laboratory is accredited under ISO 17025 and helps manage nutritional and chemical related health risks for the Food Directorate in HPFB and other clients (currently supporting the AMR group in PHAC and previously the...
Organization: Health Canada
Location: 3155 Willingdon Green, Burnaby BC
Title: Scientific Project Coordinator
Organization: Health Canada
Location: 251 Sir Frederick Banting
Title: Senior Behavioural Researcher
Role: Bhuvanesh Awasthi is a transdisciplinary leader in the science-policy-diplomacy space, currently working as a Senior Behavioural Scientist with the Canadian Federal Government in Ottawa. Dr Awasthi has worked across North America (USA, Canada), South...
Organization: Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada
Location: Ottawa, ON
Title: Research Scientist
Role: I am currently a Research Scientist in Science and Technology, Environment and Climate Change Canada working on ecotoxicology and other environmental stressors in wildlife, especially aquatic birds. I work on a wide range on contaminants and I use...
Organization: Environment and Climate Change Canada
Location: Québec
Title: Spatial epidemiologist
Role: Research focusing on space-time modelling of infectious diseases
Organization: Public Health Agency of Canada
Location: 3200 rue Sicotte, C.P. 5000, St. Hyacinthe, QC, J2S 2M2, Canada
Title: Research Scientist
Role: Regulatory and strategic science, focusing on: (1) the development and application of environmental DNA tools for biomonitoring; and (2) molecular detection of regulated aquatic animal pathogens.
Organization: Fisheries and Oceans Canada
Title: Perinatal Epidemiologist
Organization: Public Health Agency of Canada
Location: Centre for Surveillance and Applied Research @ 785 Carling Ave., Ottawa, ON
Title: Research Manager
Role: Manages Modelling and Projection Section composed of a mixture of expertise in biostatistics, applied mathematics and operations research
Organization: Public Health Agency of Canada
Title: Research Scientist
Role: Improving Canadian crops and investigating the bioactive molecules that may provide significant benefits to our health. I also investigate the applications and roles of genes and microbial endophytes important in selected bioactive molecule synthesis,...
Organization: Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada