
Title: Research Scientist - Urban boundary-layer processes, surface processes
Role: Urban meteorology specialist at the Environmental and Weather Numerical Prediction section (RPN-E) at the Meteorological Research Division. My research includes High-resolution atmospheric modelling in urban areas, development of numerical systems for...
Organization: Environment and Climate Change Canada
Title: Research Scientist
Role: My role is to develop new knowledge by refining and applying social and interdisciplinary scientific methods and theories to better understand, explain, quantify and qualify: 1) the environmental, social and economic impacts of weather, climate, and...
Organization: Environment and Climate Change Canada
Location: Faculty of Environment, University of Waterloo (Waterloo, ON)
Title: Scientist
Organization: Environment and Climate Change Canada
Title: Research Scientist
Role: Dr. Syed Zahid Husain has been working as a research scientist within the RPN-A (Recherche en prévision numérique atmosphérique) section of Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC) since 2012. He obtained his Ph.D. in 2009 in computational fluid...
Organization: Environment and Climate Change Canada
Location: Dorval, QC H9P 1J3
Title: Research Scientist
Role: Using satellite observations to better understand natural and anthropogenic emissions of pollutants. - Quantification of emisison sources - Validation of satellite data - Improving existing datasets
Organization: Environment and Climate Change Canada
Location: 4905 Dufferin St, Toronto, ON
Title: Research Scientist
Role: Scientific experise on representation of physical processes (land surface, boundary layer, clouds and precipitation) in numerical environmental prediction system
Organization: Environment and Climate Change Canada
Title: Research Scientist
Role: Research in ecosystem impacts on marine resources.
Organization: Fisheries and Oceans Canada
Title: Research Scientist
Organization: Fisheries and Oceans Canada
Title: Research Scientist
Role: North Atlantic Ocean, basin scale modelling
Organization: Fisheries and Oceans Canada
Title: Météorologiste chercheur principal
Organization: Environment and Climate Change Canada