
Showing 1 to 10 of 17 items

Title: Physics Scientist, Research
Role: Hydraulic Modelling, Numerical Prediction of Water System, Development of Numerical Models, River Modelling, Maintaining Numerical Simulation Suites
Organization: Environment and Climate Change Canada
Title: Physicist, Environmental Emergency Response Section
Role: Specialist in research, development and operations of atmospheric transport and dispersion models of pollutants for environmental emergency operational response
Organization: Environment and Climate Change Canada
Title: Research Manager
Role: Manages Modelling and Projection Section composed of a mixture of expertise in biostatistics, applied mathematics and operations research
Organization: Public Health Agency of Canada
Title: Senior Epidemiologist and Biostatistician
Organization: Health Canada
Title: Stock Assessment Analyst
Role: Quantitative support (mathematics, statistics, computer programming) support to Pacific Shellfish Stock Assessment.
Organization: Fisheries and Oceans Canada
Title: Research Scientist
Role: I work primarily in the thermal conversion of biomass into fungible fuels and other energy products.  I also work on value recovery from energetic residual materials, i.e., energy from waste, which is essential for a truly functional circular economy.
Organization: Natural Resources Canada
Title: Epidemiologist
Role: Health surveillance
Organization: Public Health Agency of Canada
Location: Ottawa
Title: Risk Assessor
Organization: Public Health Agency of Canada
Location: 206-160 Research Lane, Guelph, ON
Title: Aquatic Science Biologist
Organization: Fisheries and Oceans Canada
Title: Team leader
Role: Team leader and researcher in Data Science for Complex Systems (DSCS)
Organization: National Research Council Canada