A total merit selection index for Ontario organic dairy farmers


Rozzi, P., Miglior, F., Hand, K.J. (2007). A total merit selection index for Ontario organic dairy farmers. Journal of Dairy Science (JDS), [online] 90(3), 1584-1593. http://dx.doi.org/10.3168/jds.S0022-0302(07)71644-2


Organic standards require changes in management practices so that health, fertility, and overall fitness are more important than on conventional dairy farms and require different selection objectives. A survey involving 18 (40%) Ontario organic dairy farms was carried out to collect data on their production systems, breeding policies, and concerns. Compared with conventional farms, organic farms had lower milk production, lower replacement rate, higher somatic cell count, and a much higher rate of crossbreeding. Actual culling rate was 21%, and the main causes were fertility, mastitis, feet and legs, production, and old age. The major areas of concern expressed by organic dairy farmers were related to grazing traits, fertility, health, and longevity. An organic total merit index was developed based on the subjective scores for traits with a genetic evaluation in Canada. The relative weights of production to fitness traits (28:72) were substantially different from those in the Canadian Lifetime Profit Index (54:46), but similar to those used in conventional indices in Sweden and Denmark and in the Swiss organic index. The overall weight on health traits was 2.5 times higher in the organic index and, among fitness traits, the emphasis was substantially higher for lactation persistency, somatic cell score, and body capacity. Correlations between the organic index and Lifetime Profit Index were 0.88 for all bulls proven in Canada, 0.70 for the top 1,000, and 0.65 for the top 100, indicating that a different group of bulls would rank at the top of these 2 indices. When the top 100 bulls for either index were compared, those selected for the organic index were about 0.5 standard deviations lower for all yield traits, but were much better for body capacity and somatic cell score, and 0.25 standard deviations higher for herd life, feet and legs, udder conformation, and lactation persistency. Given the small population size, a separate breeding program for an organic management system is not viable in the foreseeable future. However, the organic index would allow producers to rank proven bulls in accordance with their perceived needs. © American Dairy Science Association, 2007.

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