Impact of Fumigation on Soil Microbial Communities under Potato Cultivation in Southern Alberta


Neilson, J.A.D., Robertson, C.J., Snowdon, E.W., Yevtushenko, D.P. (2020). Impact of Fumigation on Soil Microbial Communities under Potato Cultivation in Southern Alberta. American Journal of Potato Research, [online] 97(2), 115-126.

Plain language summary

Fumigants are commonly used to reduce disease The current study examined the effect of fumigation on the microbial community in a potato field in Southern Alberta. Fumigation did not greatly reduce microbial species abundance or diversity, though there were changes to the community structure. Fumigation increased tuber size profiles, but not marketable yield. Fumigation was effective at reducing wilt ratings, but there was no added benefit to using the soil freshener in the current study. This research highlights the need for management tools to decide whether fumigation and application method will increase profitability within a given production system.


Fumigants are used to reduce disease pressure and there is some evidence of benefits through promotion of beneficial microorganisms. The current study examined the effect of fumigation and a soil freshener implement, as recommended by the fumigant manufacturer, on the microbial community in a potato field in Southern Alberta. Fumigation did not greatly reduce microbial species abundance or diversity, though there were changes to the community structure. Fumigation and use of the soil freshener increased tuber size profiles, but not marketable yield. Fumigation was effective at reducing wilt ratings, but there was no added benefit to using the soil freshener in the current study. This research highlights the need for management tools to decide whether fumigation and application method will increase profitability within a given production system.

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