Spatial variability of bulk density and soil moisture on a loamy sand over the Assiniboine Delta Aquifer


Adamolekun, O., Vivekanathan, K., Akinremi, O., Moulin, A. Butler, R., Fitzmaurice, J. 2018. Spatial variability of bulk density and soil moisture on a loamy sand over the Assiniboine Delta Aquifer. Manitoba Soil Science Society Annual Meeting, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Feb 1, 2018

Résumé en langage clair

Soil water content and bulk density vary with respect to spatial location. This variability was quantified with respect to spatial and statistical variability.


The knowledge of spatial and temporal variation of bulk density and soil water content within a field is essential for successful site-specific management. This study investigated the spatial distribution of bulk density and of soil moisture in two seasons (Spring and Fall). One hundred and seventy-eight (178) soil cores were sampled with a Giddings hydraulic soil punch in the spring of 2014 using a geospatial sampling scheme. Bulk density and soil moisture were determined for a subset of fifty (50) soil sub-samples in the fall of 2017. Each soil sample sleeve was manually split and soil was sub-sampled according to their respective depth at a range of 0-15 cm. Soil water content was determined gravimetrically method, and the corresponding bulk density values were calculated. Spatial dependence and variability of bulk density and soil moisture were calculated with kriging and assessed with semi variograms in GS+. Ordinary kriging was used to interpolate and generate maps in this study. These results show the variation of bulk density and soil water content within the field and at various depths and seasons.

Date de publication
