la Biodiversité des Sols: Découvrons ce qui Compte


Soil Biodiversity: What's most important?
By Katelyn Lutes and Benjamin Ellert
Illustrated by Katelyn Lutes
18 pages; color illustrations

Résumé en langage clair

This publication is a children’s book about soil biodiversity, targeted toward ages 6 to 11 years old. With heavy reliance on colorful illustrations, the book tells the story of six scientists (a botanist, an entomologist, a zoologist, a microbiologist, a mycologist and an ecologist) who explain what they each regard as the most important part of soil biodiversity. At the end, all the scientists realize that they must work together to have a complete understanding about soil biodiversity. The book is a submission for the joint International Union of Soil Sciences (IUSS) - FAO’s Global Soil Partnership (GSP) contest, to highlight the 2020 motto: “Keep soil alive, protect soil biodiversity". This book also highlights various aspects of soils research being undertaken within Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada.


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Date de publication
