Jacquelynne (Jackie) King

Research Scientist

Research in ecosystem impacts on marine resources.

Recherche et / ou projets en cours

  • Étude de la régulation naturelle des espèces marines au large de la côte ouest du Canada, plus particulièrement la dynamique climat-océan;
  • Évaluation des stocks de morue-lingue dans les eaux canadiennes;
  • Élaboration d’approches nouvelles et innovatrices à en vue d’incorporer la dynamique climat-océan dans les processus d’évaluation et de gestion des stocks;
  • Recherche et évaluation des stocks d’élasmobranches, y compris le chien de mer.

Prix et études

Ph. D., Toronto, 1997

Expérience et / ou de travail international

Dr. King participates in international science programs that support DFO strategic outcomes on economically prosperous fisheries and sustainable marine aquatic ecosystems, with a focus on broad-scale climate and ocean sciences linked to regional marine issues.  Dr. King was the Lead Symposium Convenor for the international conference on “Climate Change Effects on the World’s Oceans”.   Dr. King collaborates on international research teams that provide key research on vulnerable species, including international stock assessment and conservation advice for sharks.

Principales publications

  1. King, J.R. and G.A. McFarlane. 2006. A framework for incorporating regime shifts into the management of marine resources. Fisheries Management and Ecology 13:93-102.
  2. King, J.R. (Ed.). 2005. Report of the Study Group on Fisheries and Ecosystem Responses to Recent Regime Shifts. PICES Sci. Rep. No. 28. 162 p
  3. King, J.R. and R.E. Withler. 2005. Male nest site fidelity and female serial polyandry in lingcod (Ophiodon elongatus, Hexagrammidae). Molecular Ecology 14: 653-660.
  4. Withler, R.E., J.R. King, J.B. Marliave, B. Beaith, S. Li, K.J. Supernault and K.M. Miller. 2004. Polygamous mating and high levels of genetic variation in lingcod (Ophiodon elongatus) of the Strait of Georgia, British Columbia. Env. Biol. Fish. 69(1-4): 345-357.
  5. King, J.R. and G.A. McFarlane. 2003. Marine fish life history strategies: applications to fishery management. Fish. Man. and Ecol. 10: 249-264.
  6. McFarlane, G.A. and J.R. King. 2003. Migration patterns of spiny dogfish (Squalus acanthias) in the North Pacific ocean. Fish. Bull. 10: 358-367.
  7. McFarlane, G.A., J.R. King and M.W. Saunders. 2002. Preliminary study on the use of neural arches in the age determination of sixgill sharks (Hexanchus griseus). Fish. Bull. 100: 861-864.
  8. King, J.R., G.A. McFarlane and R.J. Beamish. 2001. Incorporating the dynamics of marine systems into the stock assessment and management of sablefish. In Pacific Climate Variability and Marine Ecosystem Impacts from the Tropics to the Arctic. McKinnell, S.M., Brodeur, R.D., Hanawa, K., Hollowed, A.B., Polovina, J.J. & Zhang, C.-I. [eds.]. Prog. Oceangr. 49: 619-639.
  9. McFarlane, G.A., and J.R. King. 2001. The validity of the fin-ray method of age determination for lingcod (Ophiodon elongatus). Fishery Bulletin 99(3): 459-464.
  10. Beamish, R.J., D. McCaughran, J. King, R. Sweeting and G.A. McFarlane. 2000. Estimating the relative abundance of juvenile coho salmon in the Strait of Georgia using surface trawls. N. Am. J. Fish. Man. 20: 369-375.
  11. Beamish, R.J, G.A. McFarlane and J.R. King. 2000. Fisheries Climatology: Understanding the Interannual and Decadal Scale Processes that Regulate British Columbia Fish Populations Naturally. p. 94-139 In T. Parsons and P. Harrison [eds.]. Fisheries Oceanography: An Integrative Approach to Fisheries Ecology and Management. Blackwell Science Ltd.
  12. Beamish, R.J., D. J. Noakes, G.A. McFarlane, W. Pinnix, R. Sweeting and J. King. 2000. Trends in coho marine survival in relation to the regime concept. Fish. Oceanogr. 9(1): 114-119.
  13. King, J.R., and R.J. Beamish. 2000. Diet comparisons indicate a competitive interaction between ocean age-0 chum and coho salmon. NPAFC Bull. No. 2: 65-74.
  14. King, J. R., G. A. McFarlane and R.J. Beamish. 2000. Decadal scale patterns in the relative year class success of sablefish (Anoplopoma fimbria). Fish. Oceangr. 9: 62-70
  15. McFarlane, G.A., J.R. King, and R.J. Beamish. 2000. Have there been recent changes in climate? Ask the fish. Prog. in Oceanography. 47(2-4): 147-169.
  16. Noakes, D.J, R. J. Beamish, R. Sweeting and J.R. King. 2000. Changing the balance: interactions between hatchery and wild Pacific coho salmon in the presence of regime shifts. North Pacific Anadromous Fish Commission Bulletin No. 2: 155-163.
  17. King, J.R. and D.A. Jackson. 1999. Variable selection with principal components analysis of environmental data. Environmetrics 10: 67-77.
  18. King, J. R., B. J. Shuter and A. P. Zimmerman. 1999. Signals of climate trends and extreme events in the thermal stratification pattern of multibasin Lake Opeongo. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 56: 1-6.
  19. King, J. R., B. J. Shuter and A. P. Zimmerman. 1999. Empirical links between thermal habitat, fish growth and climate change. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 128:656–665
  20. King, J. R., V. V. Ivanov, V. Kurashov, R. J. Beamish and G. A. McFarlane. 1998. General circulation of the atmosphere over the North Pacific and its relationship to the Aleutian Low. North Pacific Anadromous Fish Commission Doc. No. 318. 18 p.
  21. King, J. R., B. J. Shuter and A. P. Zimmerman. 1997. The response of the thermal stratification of South Bay (Lake Huron) to climatic variability. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 54: 1873-1882.