Greg Bickerton

Recherche et / ou projets en cours

Contribution au respect du mandat d'Environnement Canada de conserver et de protéger les écosystèmes aquatiques

  • Impacts du changement climatique sur les eaux souterraines et les écosystèmes dépendant des eaux souterraines dans les environnements de climat froid et de pergélisol
  • Impacts des sables bitumineux sur les interactions entre les eaux souterraines et les eaux souterraines et les eaux de surface
  • Contributions en eau souterraine du phosphore aux eaux de surface
  • Sources et devenir des contaminants azotés dans les eaux souterraines

Activités professionnelles / intérêts

  • Membre votant de Programme conjoint Canada-Alberta de surveillance des sables bitumineux (OSM) Comité consultatif technique sur les eaux souterraines 
  • Conseiller technique en science des eaux souterraines pour les directions opérationnelles et d'exécution du Environnement et Changements Climatiques Canada

Prix et études

M.Sc. sciences de la Terre, Université de Waterloo, 2001

B.A.Sc. génie géologique/option des ressources en eau, Université de Waterloo, 1995

B.Sc. (spécialisé) sciences géologiques, Université McGill, 1990

Mention d’excellence, Environment Canada, 2012

Prix du doyen des sciences, Université de Waterloo, 2002 

Principales publications

Danielescu, S., Van Stempvoort, D.R., Bickerton, G., & Roy, J.W. (2020). Use of mature willows (Salix nigra) for hydraulic control of landfill-impacted groundwater in a temperate climate. Journal of Environmental Management, 272.

Spence, C., Norris, M., Bickerton, G., Bonsal, B.R., Brua, R., Culp, J.M., Dibike, Y., Gruber, S., Morse, P.D., Peters, D.L., Shrestha, R., & Wolfe, S.A. (2020). The Canadian water resource vulnerability index to permafrost thaw (CWRVIPT). Arctic Science,

Hewitt, L.M., Roy, J.W., Rowland, S.J., Bickerton, G., DeSilva, A., Headley, J.V., Milestone, C.B., Scarlett, A.G., Brown, S., Spencer, C., West, C.E., Peru, K.M., Grapentine, L., Ahad, J.M.E., Pakdel, H., & Frank, R.A. (2020). Advances in distinguishing groundwater influenced by oil sands process-affected water (OSPW) from natural bitumen-influenced groundwaters. Environmental Science and Technology 54(3), 1552-1532.

Roy, J.W., Gillis, P.L., Grapentine, L., & Bickerton, G. (2019). How Appropriate are Current Canadian Water Quality Guidelines for Protecting Freshwater Aquatic Life from Toxic Contaminants in Discharging Groundwater? Canadian Water Resources Journal, 44(2), 205-211.

Bickerton, G., Roy, J.W., Frank, R.A., Spoelstra, J., Langston, G., Grapentine, L., & Hewitt, L.M. (2018). Assessments of Groundwater Influence on Select River Systems in the Oil Sands Region of Alberta (Oil Sands Monitoring Program Technical Report Series No. 1.5, ISBN 978-1-4601-4029-1, ISBN 978-1-4601-4153-3). Environment & Climate Change Canada, June 2018.

Culp, J.M., Droppo, I.G., di Cenzo, P.D., Alexander-Trusiak, A., Baird, D.J., Bickerton, G., Beltaos, S., Bonsal, B., Brua, R.B., Chambers, P.A., Dibike, Y., Glozier, N.E., Kirk, J., Levesque, L., McMaster, M., Muir, D., Parrott, J., Peters, D.L., Pippy, K., & Roy, J.W. (2018). Synthesis report for the water component, Canada-Alberta joint oil sands monitoring: key findings and recommendations (Oil Sands Monitoring Program Technical Report Series No. 1.1, ISBN 978-1-4601-4149-6, ISBN 978-1-4601-4025-3). Environment & Climate Change Canada, June 2018.

Roy, J.W., Grapentine, L., & Bickerton, G. (2018). Ecological effects from groundwater contaminated by volatile organic compounds on an urban stream’s benthic ecosystem. Limnologica, 68, 115-129.

Roy, J.W., Bickerton, G., Frank, R.A., Grapentine, L., & Hewitt, L.M. (2016). Assessing risks of shallow riparian groundwater quality near an oil sands tailings pond. Groundwater, 54(4), 545-558.

Roy, J.W., McInnis, R., Gillis, P., & Bickerton, G. (2015). Assessing potential toxicity of chloride-affected groundwater discharging to an urban stream using juvenile freshwater mussels (Lampsilis siliquoidea). Science of the Total Environment, 532, 309-315.

Frank, R.A., Roy, J.W., Bickerton, G., Rowland, S.J., Headley, J.V.,  Scarlett, A.G., West, C.E., Peru, K.M., Parrott, J.L., Conly, M., & Hewitt, L.M. (2014). Profiling oil sands mixtures from industrial developments and natural groundwaters for source identification. Environmental Science and Technology, 48(5), 2660-2670.

Roy, J.W., & Bickerton, G. (2014). Elevated dissolved phosphorus in riparian groundwater along gaining urban streams. Environmental Science and Technology 48(3), 1492-1498.

Van Stempvoort, D.R., Roy, J.W., Brown, S.J., & Bickerton, G. (2014). Residues of the herbicide glyphosate in riparian groundwater in urban catchments. Chemosphere, 95, 455-463.

Roy, J.W., Van Stempvoort, D.R., & Bickerton, G. (2014). Artificial sweeteners as potential tracers of municipal landfill leachate. Environmental Pollution, 184, 89-93.

Robertson, W.D., Roy, J.W., Brown, S.J., Van Stempvoort, D.R., & Bickerton, G. (2014). Natural attenuation of perchlorate in denitrified

Groundwater. Groundwater, 52(1), 63-70.

Van Stempvoort, D.R., Roy, J.W., Grabuski, J., Brown, S.J., Bickerton, G., & Sverko, E. (2013). An artificial sweetener and pharmaceutical compounds as co-tracers of urban wastewater in groundwater. Science of the Total Environment, 461-462, 348-359.

Yeung, C.W., Van Stempvoort, D.R., Spoelstra, J., Bickerton, G., Voralek, J., & Greer, C.W. (2013). Bacterial community evidence for anaerobic degradation of petroleum hydrocarbons in cold climate groundwater. Cold Regions Science and Technology, 86, 55-68.

Roy, J.W., & Bickerton, G. (2012). Toxic groundwater contaminants: An overlooked contributor to urban stream syndrome? Environmental Science and Technology 46(2), 729-736.

Wrona, F.J. (editor),  di Cenzo, P. (editor), Baird, D., Banic, C., Bickerton, G., Burn, D., P. Dillon, I. Droppo, Dubé, M., Hazewinkel, R., Hewitt, M., Kelly, E., Lindeman, D., Marriott, P., McCauley, E., McEachern, P., Muir, D., Munkittrick, K., Noton, L., Prowse, T., Rasmussen, J., Smol, J. (2011). Lower Athabasca Water Quality Monitoring Plan: Phase 1-Athabasca River Mainstem and Major Tributaries (Cat. No.: En14‐42/2011E‐PDF, ISBN 978‐1‐100‐18471‐5). Environment Canada, March 21, 2011.

Van Stempvoort, D.R., Roy, J.W., Brown, S.J., Bickerton, G. (2011). Artificial sweeteners as potential tracers in groundwater in urban environments. Journal of Hydrology, 401(1-2), 126-133.

Roy, J.W., & Bickerton, G. (2011). Comment on "Estimation of actual LNAPL thickness at a fuel-contaminated Arctic mine site" by Olumide Iwakun, Kevin Biggar and David Sego. Cold Regions Science and Technology, 65(2), 269-270.

Roy, J.W., & Bickerton, G. (2010). Proactive screening approach for detecting groundwater contaminants along urban streams at the reach-scale. Environmental Science and Technology 44(16), 6088-6094.

Bickerton, G., S. Brown, & C. Ptacek. 2009. National Assessment of Groundwater Quality in Canada: Perchlorate, NWRI Scientific Assessment Report, Environment Canada, National Water Research Institute Contribution 09-264.

Iwakun, O., Biggar, K., Van Stempvoort, D., Bickerton, G., & Voralek, J. (2008). Fuel contamination characterization in permafrost fractured bedrock at the Colomac mine site. Cold Regions Science and Technology, 53(1), 56-74.

Bickerton, G., Van Stempvoort, D.R., Voralek, J., & Biggar, K. (2007). Hydrogeological setting of petroleum contamination at Colomac Mine, NWT:  A permafrost region of the Canadian Shield. In Proceedings of Ottawa Geo2007 - 60th Canadian Geotechnical Conference and the 8th Joint Canadian Geotechnical Society/International Association of Hydrogeologists-Canadian National Chapter (CGS/IAH-CNC) Groundwater Conference, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, October 21-14, 2007.

Novakowski, K., Bickerton, G., Lapcevic, P., Voralek, J., &, Ross, N. (2006). Measurements of groundwater velocity in discrete rock fractures. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology 82(1-2), 44-60.

Novakowski, K. S., G. Bickerton, & P. Lapcevic (2004). Interpretation of injection-withdrawal tracer experiments conducted between two wells in a large single fracture. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology 73(1-4), 227-247.

Zanini, L., Novakowski, K.S., Lapcevic, P. Bickerton, G.S., Voralek, J., & Talbot, C. (2000). Regional groundwater flow in the fractured carbonate aquifer underlying Smithville, Ontario, inferred from combined hydrogeological and geochemical measurements. Groundwater, 38(3), 350-360.

Novakowski, K.S., & Bickerton, G.S. (1997). Borehole measurement of the hydraulic properties of low-permeability rock. Water Resources Research, 33(11), 2509-2517.

Novakowski, K.S., Lapcevic, P.A., Voralek, J., & Bickerton, G. (1995). Preliminary interpretation of tracer experiments conducted in a discrete rock fracture under conditions of ambient flow. Geophysical Research Letters, 22(11), 1417-1420.


Installation de recherche

867, chemin Lakeshore
Burlington, ON L7S 1A1


Ingénieurs professionnels de l'Ontario

