Dr. Benita Tam

Scénarios climatiques analyste - Développement de l'données climatiques canadienne et Scénario Site

Prix et études

Ph.D., University of Toronto, 2012

M.Sc., University of Toronto, 2008

B.E.S., University of Waterloo, 2007

Robin P. Armstrong Memorial Prize, 2015

CIHR Postdoctoral Fellowship, Aboriginal Research Methodologies. The Canadian Institutes of Health Research, 2013-2015

SSHRC Joseph-Armand Bombardier Canada Graduate Scholarship Doctoral Award, Social Science and Humanities Research Council, 2008-2011

SSHRC Canada Graduate Scholarship Master’s Program Award, Social Science and Humanities Research Council, 2007

Principales publications

Tam, B.Y., Gough, W.A. and Mohsin, T. 2015. The impact of urbanization and the urban heat island effect on day to day temperature variation. Urban Climate. 6(12):1-10. DOI:10.1016/j.uclim.2014.12.004.

Tam, B.Y., Tsuji, L.J.S., Martin, I.D., Liberda, E.N., Ayotte, P., Coté, S., Dewailly, E. and Nieboer, E. 2015. Iodine status of Eeyou Istchee community members of northern Quebec, Canada, and potential sources. Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts. 17(4):844-53. DOI:10.1039/c4em00674g.

Tam, B.Y. and Tsuji, L.J.S. 2014. West Nile virus in American crows (Corvus brachyrhynchos) in Canada: projecting the influence of climate change. GeoJournal. In press. DOI:10.1007/s10708-014-9609-z.

Gough, W.A., Tam, B.Y., Mohsin, T. and Allen, S.M.J. 2014. Extreme cold weather alerts in Toronto, Ontario, Canada and the impact of a changing climate. Urban Climate. 8:21-29. DOI:10.1016/j.uclim.2014.02.006.

Tam, B.Y., Martin, I. and Tsuji, L.J.S. 2014. Geospatial analysis between the environment and past incidences of West Nile virus in bird specimens in Ontario, Canada. GeoJournal. 79:805-817. DOI:10.1007/s10708-014-9526-1.

Tam, B.Y., Gough, W.A., Edwards, V. and Tsuji, L.J.S. 2013. Seasonal and weather-related behavioral effects among urban Aboriginal, urban non-Aboriginal, and remote Aboriginal participants in Canada. Population and Environment. 35(1):45-67. DOI:10.1007/s11111-012-0183-3.

Tam, B.Y. and Gough, W.A. 2012. Examining past temperature variability in Moosonee, Thunder Bay, and Toronto, Ontario, Canada through a day-to-day variability framework. Theoretical and Applied Climatology. 110(1-2):103-113. DOI:10.1007/s00704-012-0622-1.

Tam, B., Gough, W.A. and Tsuji, L. 2011.The impact of warming on the appearance of furunculosis in fish of the James Bay region, Quebec, Canada. Regional Environmental Change. 11(1):123-132. DOI:10.1007/s10113-010-0122-8.

Installation de recherche

4905, rue Dufferin
Toronto, ON M3H 5T4