Dale Van Stempvoort

Recherche et / ou projets en cours

Recherche sur les contaminants dans l'eau souterraine pertinente pour les priorités et les programmes ministériels

  • Évaluation du devenir des contaminants organiques dans l'eau souterraine
  • Analyses des produits chimiques organiques en tant que traceurs des panaches de contaminants dans l'eau souterraine (p. ex. les édulcorants artificiels)
  • Nouveaux contaminants organiques dans l'eau souterraine (p. ex. produits pharmaceutiques)

Énoncés de recherches/projets

  • Assessment of the role of groundwater in flux of nutrients and algal blooms in Lake of the Woods, Ontario
  • Assessment of the role of groundwater in the flux of nutrients to headwaters in the Thames River basin, Ontario
  • Detection of alkyl-phenoxy-benzenesulfonates in municipal wastewater
  • Occurence and fate of perchlorate in the Great Lakes basin
  • Assessment of artificial sweeteners as tracers of the flux of wastewater to environment waters 

Activités professionnelles / intérêts

Responsable du ministère sur l'eau souterraine en ce qui concerne l'Accord relatif à la qualité de l'eau dans les Grands Lacs et l'Accord Canada-Ontario

Représentant d'Environnement Canada en tant que spécialiste des eaux souterraines au sein du sous-comité sur les eaux souterraines du Comité d'élaboration du programme de l'eau du Conseil canadien des ministres de l'environnement

Prix et études

Mention d’excellence, Environnement Canada (2012)

Ph.D., Université de Waterloo

M. Sc., Université McGill

B. Sc. (spécialisé), Université du Nouveau-Brunswick

Principales publications

Van Stempvoort, D.R., Spoelstra, J., Senger, N.D., Brown, S.J., Post, R., Struger, J. 2016. Glyphosate residues in rural groundwater, Nottawasaga River Watershed, Ontario, Canada. Pest Management Science (in press).

Robertson, W.D., Van Stempvoort, D.R., Roy, J.W., Brown, S.J., Spoelstra, J., Schiff, S.L., Rudolph, D.R., S. Danielescu, S., Graham, G. 2016. Use of an artificial sweetener to identify sources of groundwater nitrate contamination. Groundwater (in press).

Robertson, W.D., Van Stempvoort, D.R., Spoelstra, J., Brown, S.J., Schiff, S.L. 2016. Degradation of sucralose in groundwater and implications for age dating contaminated groundwater. Water Research 88, 653-660.

Struger, J., Van Stempvoort, D.R., Brown, S.J. 2015. Sources of aminomethylphosphonic acid (AMPA) in urban and rural catchments in Ontario, Canada: glyphosate or phosphonates in wastewater? Environmental Pollution 204, 289-297.

Robertson, W.D., Roy, J.W., Brown, S.J., Van Stempvoort, D.R., Bickerton, G. 2014. Natural attenuation of perchlorate in denitrified groundwater. Groundwater 52(1), 63-70.

Van Stempvoort D.R., Roy J.W., Brown S.J., Bickerton, G. 2014. Residues of the herbicide glyphosate in riparian groundwater in urban catchments. Chemosphere 95, 455–463.

Roy, J.W., Van Stempvoort, D.R., Bickerton, G. 2014. Artificial sweeteners as potential tracers of municipal landfill leachate. Environmental Pollution 184, 89–93.

Jackson, R.E., Gorody, A.W., Mayer, B., Roy, J.W., Ryan, M.C., Van Stempvoort, D.R. 2013. Groundwater protection and unconventional gas extraction: The critical need for field-based hydrogeological research. Groundwater 51(4), 488-510.

Van Stempvoort, D.R., Roy, J.W., Grabuski, J., Brown, S.J., Bickerton, G., Sverko, E. 2013. An artificial sweetener and pharmaceutical compounds as co-tracers of urban wastewater in groundwater. Science of the Total Environment 461–462, 348–359.

Robertson, W.D., Van Stempvoort, D.R., Solomon, D.K., Homewood, J., Brown, S.J., Spoelstra, J., Schiff, S.L. 2013. Persistence of artificial sweeteners in a 15-year-old septic system plume. Journal of Hydrology 477, 43-54.

Yeung, C.W., Van Stempvoort, D.R., Spoelstra, J., Bickerton, G., Voralek, J., Greer, C.W. 2013. Bacterial community evidence for anaerobic degradation of petroleum hydrocarbons in cold climate groundwater. Cold Regions Science & Technology 86, 55-68.

Van Stempvoort, D.R., W.D. Robertson, and S.J. Brown. 2011. Artificial sweeteners in a large septic plume. Ground Water Monitoring & Remediation 31(4): 95-102.

Van Stempvoort, D.R., J.W. Roy, S.J. Brown, and G. Bickerton. 2011. Artificial sweeteners as potential tracers in groundwater in urban environments. Journal of Hydrology 401 (1-2): 126–133.

Van Stempvoort, D.R. and Y.T.J. Kwong. 2010. Sulfur analyses as tracers of microbial degradation of hydrocarbons in the capillary fringe. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology 114: 1–17.

Van Stempvoort, D.R. and K. Biggar. 2008. Potential for bioremediation of petroleum hydrocarbons in groundwater under cold climate conditions: A review. Cold Regions Science & Technology 53(1): 16-41.

Van Stempvoort, D.R., J. Armstrong and B. Mayer. 2007. Microbial reduction of sulfate injected to gas condensate plumes in cold groundwater. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology 92(3-4):184-207.

Van Stempvoort, D., H. Maathuis, E. Jaworski, B. Mayer and K. Rich. 2005. Oxidation of fugitive methane in ground water linked to bacterial sulfate reduction. Ground Water 43(2): 187-199.