Aline Remus, Ph. D.

Image Aline Remus
Chercheure scientifique en nutrition et métabolisme de précision chez le porc

Ma principale ligne de recherche est l'alimentation de précision et la nutrition chez le porc. Dans ce domaine, nous étudions les réponses métaboliques individuelles et les besoins des porcs, dans le but de réduire les coûts environnementaux et économiques de la production porcine. En utilisant des équipements pour mesurer les performances de croissance individuelles en temps réel, nous permettons aux porcs de manger à volonté avec des régimes adaptés quotidiennement à chacun d'eux, répondant à leurs besoins biologiques tout en réduisant la main-d'œuvre.

Mes intérêts de recherche incluent l'utilisation de la modélisation mathématique et de l'intelligence artificielle pour améliorer les estimations des besoins individuels en acides aminés des porcs et pour la détection précoce des maladies. Je souhaite également utiliser des isotopes stables pour étudier le métabolisme protéique et énergétique chez les porcs afin d'adapter les régimes alimentaires aux besoins individuels, de minimiser l'excrétion des nutriments et de permettre une plus grande utilisation d'aliment alternatif dans la nutrition des porcs.

Recherche et / ou projets en cours

2022 – 2025 Mise à jour du modèle d'alimentation de précision individuelle pour améliorer l'efficacité d'utilisation des nutriments et
réduire considérablement l'impact des systèmes de production porcine sur le changement climatique.; Prize for Outstanding Achievement in Science - Prix pour contribution exceptionnelle à la science

2020 - 2024 Évaluation des solutions environnementales d'alimentation de précision pour la production porcine canadienne grâce à l'analyse du cycle de vie

2021 - 2023 Utilisation de l'apprentissage automatique pour explorer les besoins en thréonine chez les porcs: une méta-analyse

2020 – 2023 Méta-analyse sur l'efficacité d'utilisation des différentes sources synthétiques de méthionine

2020 – 2024 Effet de l'enzyme Lysozyme chez les porcs en post-sevrage et croissance 

2018 – present L'utilisation de l’alimentation de précision pour maximiser l'efficacité des nutriments et réduire la pollution de l'environnement en comprenant la variabilité individuelle

2015 – present  Le profil protéique idéal pour les porcs en croissance-finition dans les systèmes d'alimentation de précision

Énoncés de recherches/projets


Peer-reviewed Papers Published (Total: 20)

2020              Remus, A., L. Hauschild, M.-P. Létourneau-Montminy, I. Andretta, and C. Pomar. Feeding behavior of growing and finishing pigs fed different dietary threonine levels in a group-phase feeding and individual precision feeding system. Translational Animal Science 4(4):txaa177.

2020              Remus, A., Méthot, S., Hauschild, L., Pomar, C., Precision livestock farming: real-time estimation of daily protein deposition in growing-finishing pigs. Animal, 14(S2), S360-S370. doi:10.1017/S1751731120001469

2020              Hauschild, L., Kristensen, A. R., Andretta, I., Remus, A., Santos, L. S. and  Pomar C. Toward better estimates of the real-time individual amino acid requirements of growing-finishing pigs showing deviations from their typical feeding patterns. Animal, 14(S2), S371-S381. doi:10.1017/S1751731120001226

2020              Schroeder, B., Andretta, I., Kipper, M., Franceschi, C. H., Remus, A., Empirical modelling of the quality of pelleted feed for broilers and pigs. Journal of Feed Science and Technology. Doi: 10.1016/j.anifeedsci.2020.114522

2020              Remus, A., Létourneau-Montminy, M.P., Hauschild, L. and Pomar, C. The Ideal Dietary Protein Profile for Finishing Pigs in Precision Feeding Systems and Phase Feeding Systems: Threonine. Journal of Feed Science and Technology. Doi: 10.1016/j.anifeedsci.2020.114500

2020              Remus, A., Del Castillo, J., Pomar, C. Improving the estimation of amino acid requirements to maximize nitrogen retention in precision feeding for growing-finishing pigs. animal. Doi 10.1017/S1751731120000798

2020              Remus A, Hauschild L and Pomar C. Simulated amino acid requirements of growing pigs differ between current factorial methods. animal 14, 725-730. doi:10.1017/S1751731119002660

2019              Pomar, C. and Remus, A. 2019. Precision pig feeding: a breakthrough toward sustainability. Animal Frontiers 9, 52-59. Invited paper.

2019              Remus, A., Pomar, C., Perondi, D.,  Gobi, J.P., da Silva, W. C., de Souza, L. J., Hauschild, L. Response to dietary methionine supply of growing pigs fed daily tailored diets or fed according to a conventional phase feeding system. Livestock Science;

2019              Remus, A., Hauschild, L.,  Corrent, E., Létourneau-Montminy, M.P., Pomar, C. Pigs receiving daily tailored diets using precision-feeding techniques have different threonine requirements than pigs fed in conventional phase-feeding systems. Journal of Animal Science and Biotechnology;

2018              Isola, R. G., Hauschild, L., Perondi, D., Andretta, I., Gobi, J. P., Remus, A., Vieira, A. M. Individual responses of growing pigs to threonine intake. Revista Brasileira de Zootecnia. 47, e20170143.

2017              Dalla Costa, F. A., de Castro Tavernari, F., Dalla Costa, O. A., Faleiros de Castro. F., Remus, A. Enrichment of fatty acids Omega 3 series in poultry meat and eggs [en portugais avec résumé en anglais]. PubVet. 11, pp. 113-123.

2017              Perondi, D., Kipper, M., Andretta, I., Hauschild, L., Lunedo, R., Franceschina, C., Remus, A. Empirical models for predicting feed intake of growing-finishing pigs reared under high environmental temperatures. Scientia Agricola. 75: 4, pp. 296-303.

2016              Andretta, I., Kipper, M., Hauschild, L., Lehnen, C. R., Remus, A., Melchior, R. Meta-analysis of individual and combined effects of mycotoxins in growing pigs. Scientia Agricola. 73: 4, pp. 328-331.

2015              Remus, A., Mendes Peres, F., Hauschild, L., Andretta, I., Kipper, M., Gobi, J. P., Pomar, C. Exploratory study on the utilization of different dietary methionine sources and methionine to lysine ratio for growing–finishing pigs. Livestock Science. 181, pp. 96-102.

2015              Hauschild L., Bueno C. D., Remus, A., Gobi, J. P., Isola, R. D., Sakomura, N. K. Multiphase feeding program for broilers can replace traditional system. Scientia Agricola. 72, pp. 210-214.

2014              Remus, A., Hauschild, L., Andretta, I., Kipper, M., Lehnen, C. R., Sakomura, N. K. A meta-analysis of the feed intake and growth performance of broiler chickens challenged by bacteria. Poultry Science. 93, pp. 1149-58.

2013              Remus, A., Andretta, I., Kipper, M., Lehnen, C. R., Klein, C. C, Lovatto, P. A., Hauschild, L. A meta-analytical study about the relation of blood plasma addition in diets for piglets in the post-weaning and productive performance variables. Livestock Science. 155, pp. 294-300.

2012              Demori, A. B., Lovatto, P. A., Andretta, I., Kipper, M., Lehnen, C. R., Remus, A. Intensive pig production in confinement or outdoor systems: a meta-analytical study of the production performance in the growing and finishing phases and carcass and meat evaluation from the Longissimus dorsi [en portugais avec résumé en anglais]. Ciência Rural. 42, pp. 1294-1299.

2012              Andretta, I., Kipper, M., Lehnen, C. R., Remus, A., Demori, A. B., Lovatto, P. A. Meta-analysis of the relationship between ractopamine and dietary lysine levels on carcass characteristics in pigs. Livestock Science. 143, pp. 91-96.


Peer-reviewed Papers In press (Total: 1)

Submitted Salgado, H. H., Méthot, S., A. Remus., Létourneau-Montminy, M.P., Pomar, C. Feeding behaviour patterns do not explain the observed variation in lipid and protein gain in growing pigs fed ad libitum. Animal


Book Chapter (Total: 2)

2019          Pomar, C., van Milgen, J., Remus, A. Precision livestock feeding, principle and practice. In: Sustainable nutrition & feeding of pigs and poultry; Wageningen Academic publishers; Pages: 397 – 418. Published Online: July 16, 2019

2020           Andretta, I.,  Remus, A., Franceschi, C.H., Orso, C., Kipper, M. Environmental impacts of feeding crops to poultry and pigs. In Galanakis, Charis M., ed. Environmental Impact of Agro-Food Industry and Food Consumption. Academic Press, 2020.


Complete papers published in conference’s annals (Total: 2)

2015          Hauschild, L., Pomar, C., Perondi, D.,  Remus, A.,  Silva,  E. P., Gobi, J.P. Development of sustainable precision farming system for broilers. Estimating real time amino acid requirements in broiler. In: Eastern Nutrition Conference. In: Proceedings of Eastern Nutrition Conference (ANAC) 2015, Montréal, QC, Canada

2015          Hauschild, L., Pomar, C., Perondi, D., Remus, A.,  Silva,  E. P., Gobi, J. Integrated Precision Nutrition Systems for Poultry and Pigs: Estimating Nutritional Requirements in Real Time [in Portuguese]. In: Annales of the XXV Congresso Brasileiro de Zootecnia (ZOOTEC) 2015, Fortaleza, Brazil



Selected Abstracts Published as Conference Proceedings in Annals (Total: 60) ;   * presenting author

2020*         Remus, A., L. S. Santos, C. Pomar, and L. Hauschild. Individual Precision Feeding and lowering Crude Protein might help to decrease environmental burden. In: 71. Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Science (EAAP), Porto, Online

2020*         Remus, A., J. van Milgen, and C. Pomar. Precision feeding optimises efficiency of protein utilisation in pigs. In: 71. Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Science (EAAP), Porto, Online

2020          Salgado, H. H., A. Remus, M.-P. Letourneau-Montminy, and C. Pomar. PSVIII-40 Late-Breaking Abstract: Variability in body composition is associated with insulin sensitivity in growing-finishing pigs. Journal of Animal Science 98(Supplement_4):350-351.

2019*         Remus, A., Méthot, S., Hauschild, L., Pomar, C., Sustainable precision feeding: real-time estimation of body protein mass in growing- finishing pigs. EEAP, Ghent, Belgium.

2019*         Remus, A., Méthot, S., Hauschild, L., Pomar, C., Sustainable precision livestock farming: calibrating the real-time estimation of daily protein gain in growing-finishing pigs. Modnut, Ubatuba, Brazil.


2019 *        Remus, A., Méthot, S., Hauschild, L., Pomar, C., Sustainable precision livestock farming: calibrating the real-time estimation of daily protein gain in growing-finishing pigs. Modnut, Ubatuba, Brazil.


2019*         Remus, A., Méthot, S., Hauschild, L., Létourneau-Montminy, M.P., Pomar, C., Estimating real time individual lysine and threonine requirements in precision-fed pigs. ISEP 2019, Belo Horizonte, Brazil


2019*         Remus, A., and Pomar, C., 2019. Revision of the model estimating real-time Lys requirements in individual growing-finishing pigs. ASAS 2019 - Midwest, Omaha, US


2019        Franceschi, C. H., Pires, P. G. S.,Kipper,M.,  Remus, A., Pomar,C., Hauschild, L., Andretta, I. Threonine requirements of growing pigs: a meta analysis. Modnut, Ubatuba, Brazil.


2019        Schroeder, B., Franceschi, C. H., Andretta, I., Kipper,M., Remus, A., Empirical modeling of the proportion of fines in pelleted feeds. Modnut, Ubatuba, Brazil.


2019         Salgado, H., Méthot, S., Létourneau-Montminy , M-P., Remus, A., Pomar, C. Can feeding behaviour explain part of the variation observed in growing pigs’ body composition? ISEP 2019, Belo Horizonte, Brazil


Prix et études


2019 – 2020 Postdoctorat, Université de Sherbrooke, Département de Biologie (Sherbrooke, QC)

2015 – 2018    Doctorat en sciences animales, Université Laval (Québec, QC) en cotutelle avec l’Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP, Jaboticabal, SP, Brésil);

2013 – 2015    Maitrise en sciences animales, UNESP (Jaboticabal, SP, Brésil)

2007 – 2012    Baccalauréat en sciences animales, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria (UFSM, Santa Maria, RS, Brésil), spécialisation en nutrition et production des non-ruminants

2004 – 2007    Cours technique en agriculture, Escola Agrotécnica Federal de Sertão (EAFS, Sertão, RS, Brésil); spécialisation en zootechnie

Prix et reconnaissances


2017                Étudiante sélectionnée pour le Evonik Student Seminar (South Carolina, États-Unis), organisé et fondé par Evonik North America

2017                Prix de la Société canadienne des sciences animales (CSAS) – bourse de voyage pour étudiants diplômés au Congrès d’ASAS-CSAS (Baltimore, États-Unis)

2017                Prix de la Société canadienne des sciences animales (CSAS) – troisième place au CSAS compétition orale étudiants diplômés au Congrès d’ASAS-CSAS (Baltimore, États-Unis)

2017                Prix de l'Association de nutrition animale du Canada (ANAC) – Deuxième place au concours d'affiches pour étudiants diplômés de la conférence en nutrition animale du Canada (ANCC), Québec, Canada


Fellowships and Salary Subventions

2020 - 2024     PRP Salary subvention by Elanco North America, Ajinomoto Eurolysine, and  Adisseo France;

2020 - 2024     Subvention de salaire PRP  offert pour Elanco North America, Ajinomoto Eurolysine, and  Adisseo France;

2016                Bourse de stage à l'étranger FAPESP;

2015 – 2018    Bourse de doctorat FAPESP (compétitive);

2015                Bourse de doctorat Science without borders (compétitive; taux d'approbation: 18%);

2015                Bourse de doctorat CNPq  – première place dans le classement général d’entre tous les étudiants sélectionnés pour le de doctorat en sciences animales 2015 à la FCAV – UNESP; bourse refusée par l’étudiante en raison du cumul des bourses;

2014                Bourse de stage à l'étranger FAPESP;

2013 – 2015    Bourse de maîtrise FAPESP (compétitive);

2013                Bourse maîtrise CNPq (– Première place dans le classement général d’entre tous les étudiants sélectionnés pour le de maîtrise en en sciences animales 2013 à la FCAV - UNESP;

2012                Bourse FAPESP niveau technique;

*Les bourses compétitive FAPESP (taux d'approbation pour des sciences agronomiques : 35%), sont données aux candidats selon l’excellence du relevé de notes du baccalauréat et/ou maîtrise, selon la qualité et innovation du projet proposé et du CV scientifique du candidat. Ces bourses comprennent 15% de la valeur pour les voyages aux congrès et les publications.



Expérience et / ou de travail international

Membre de comité d'organisation

2016             1st International meeting in advances in Animal Science, UNESP, Jaboticabal, Brésil

2011              Présidente, II Symposium sur la nutrition des animaux de compagnie, UFSM, Santa Maria, Brésil

2010              Atelier sur la formation de chien de sauvetage, UFSM, Santa Maria, Brésil

2009              VI Semaine académique des sciences animale, Universidade do Estado de Santa Catarina, Chapecó, Brésil

o Estado de Santa Catarina, Chapecó, Brazil.

Principales publications

Publications dans des revues avec comité de lecture (principaux)

2022              Salgado, H. H., Pomar, C., Palin, M-F.,  Lapierre, H., Létourneau-Montminy, M-P.,Cant, J.P.,  Remus, A.* (2022). Insulin sensitivity is associated with body composition, de novo lipid synthesis and adipose tissue’s gene expression of finishing pigs. Scientific Reports 12, 14586. doi: 10.1038/s41598-022-18799-0. *Corresponding author.

2022              Jacobs, M., Remus, A., Gaillard, C., Menendez III, H.M., Tedeschi, L. O., Neethirajan, S., Ellis J.L. (2022) ASAS-NANP symposiummathematical modeling in animal nutrition: Limitations and potential next steps for modeling and modelers in the Animal Sciences. Journal of animal science 100. Invited paper.

2022              Menendez III, H.M., Brennan, J. R., Gaillard, C., Ehlert, K., Quintana, J., Neethirajan, S., Remus, A., Jacobs, M., Teixeira, I., Turner, B., Tedeschi, L. O. ASAS-NANP symposium mathematical modeling in animal nutrition: Opportunities and Challenges of Confined and Extensive Precision Livestock Production. Journal of animal science 100. Invited paper.

2022              Andretta, I., Remus, A., Garcia-Launay, F., Hauschild, L., Kipper, M. (2022). Editorial: Strategies for mitigating the environmental impacts of pig and poultry production. Frontiers in Veterinary Science, 9:892340. doi: 10.3389/fvets.2022.892340

2021              Pomar, C., Andretta, I., Remus, A.*  (2021) Feeding strategies to reduce nutrient losses and improve the sustainability of growing pigs. Frontiers in Veterinary Science 8:742220 (Review). doi: 10.3389/fvets.2021.742220. *Corresponding author.

2021              Remus, A.*, Hauschild, L. Létourneau-Montminy, M.-P., Pomar, C. (2021). Estimating Amino Acid Requirements in Real-Time for Precision-Fed Pigs: The Challenge of Variability among Individuals. Animals 11(12):3354. doi: 10.3390/ani11123354. *Corresponding author.

2021              Andretta, I., Hickmann, F.M.W., Remus, A., Franceschi, C.H., Mariani, A.B., Orso, C., Kipper, M., Létourneau-Montminy, M.-P., Pomar, C. (2021). Environmental impacts of pig and poultry production: Insights from a systematic review. Frontiers in Veterinary Science 8:750733 (Systematic Review) doi: 10.3389/fvets.2021.750733.

2021              Gomes, B.C., Andretta, I., Valk, M., Pomar, C., Hauschild, L., Fraga, A.Z., Kipper, M., Trevizan, L., Remus, A. (2021). Prandial correlations and structure of the ingestive behavior of pigs in precision feeding programs. Animals 11, 2998 doi: 10.3390/ani11102998.

2021              Hickmann, F. M. W., Andretta, I., Létourneau-Montminy, M.-P., Remus, A., Galli, G. M., Vittori, J., Kipper, M. 2021. β-Mannanase Supplementation as an Eco-Friendly Feed Strategy to Reduce the Environmental Impacts of Pig and Poultry Feeding Programs. Frontiers in Veterinary Science 8:732253 (Original Research) doi: 10.3389/fvets.2021.732253.

2021              Salgado, H.H., Méthot, S., Remus, A., Létourneau-Montminy, M.P., Pomar, C. (2021). Elucidating the impact of feeding behaviour on body composition in finishing pigs fed ad libitum using an integrative feeding behaviour index. Livestock Science 251:104650 doi: 10.1016/j.livsci.2021.104650.

2021              Salgado, H. H., Méthot, S., Remus, A., Létourneau-Montminy, M.P., Pomar, C. (2021). A novel feeding behavior index integrating several components of the feeding behavior of finishing pigs. Animal 15(7), 100251. doi: 10.1016/j.animal.2021.100251.

2021              Salgado, H. H., Remus, A., Pomar, C., Létourneau-Montminy, M. P., Lapierre, H. (2021). Technical Note: In vivo estimation of lipogenesis using a bolus injection of [U- 13C]glucose in pigs. Journal of Animal Science 99(6),1-6.doi: 10.1093/jas/skab148.

2020              Remus, A., L. Hauschild, M.-P. Létourneau-Montminy, I. Andretta, and C. Pomar. (2020) Feeding behavior of growing and finishing pigs fed different dietary threonine levels in a group-phase feeding and individual precision feeding system. Translational Animal Science 4(4):txaa177. Doi: 10.1093/tas/txaa177.

2020              Remus, A., Méthot, S., Hauschild, L., Pomar, C. (2020)  Precision livestock farming: real-time estimation of daily protein deposition in growing-finishing pigs. Animal, 14(S2), S360-S370. doi:10.1017/S1751731120001469.

2020              Hauschild, L., Kristensen, A. R., Andretta, I., Remus, A., Santos, L. S.   Pomar C. (2020) Toward better estimates of the real-time individual amino acid requirements of growing-finishing pigs showing deviations from their typical feeding patterns. Animal, 14(S2), S371-S381. doi:10.1017/S1751731120001226.

2020              Schroeder, B., Andretta, I., Kipper, M., Franceschi, C. H., Remus, A., (2020). Empirical modelling of the quality of pelleted feed for broilers and pigs. Journal of Feed Science and Technology. 265:114522. Doi: 10.1016/j.anifeedsci.2020.114522.

2020              Remus, A., Létourneau-Montminy, M.P., Hauschild, L. and Pomar, C. The Ideal Dietary Protein Profile for Finishing Pigs in Precision Feeding Systems and Phase Feeding Systems: Threonine. Journal of Feed Science and Technology. 265:114500. Doi: 10.1016/j.anifeedsci.2020.114500.

2020              Remus, A., Del Castillo, J., Pomar, C. Improving the estimation of amino acid requirements to maximize nitrogen retention in precision feeding for growing-finishing pigs. animal. Animal 14, 2032-2041. Doi 10.1017/S1751731120000798.

2020              Remus A, Hauschild L and Pomar C. Simulated amino acid requirements of growing pigs differ between current factorial methods. animal 14, 725-730. Doi:10.1017/S1751731119002660.

2019              Pomar, C. and Remus, A. 2019. Precision pig feeding: a breakthrough toward sustainability. Animal Frontiers 9, 52-59. Doi: 10.1093/af/vfz006 Invited paper.

2019              Remus, A., Pomar, C., Perondi, D.,  Gobi, J.P., da Silva, W. C., de Souza, L. J., Hauschild, L. Response to dietary methionine supply of growing pigs fed daily tailored diets or fed according to a conventional phase feeding system. Livestock Science, 222:7-13. Doi: 10.1016/j.livsci.2019.02.006

2019              Remus, A., Hauschild, L.,  Corrent, E., Létourneau-Montminy, M.P., Pomar, C. Pigs receiving daily tailored diets using precision-feeding techniques have different threonine requirements than pigs fed in conventional phase-feeding systems. Journal of Animal Science and Biotechnology, 10(1):16.Doi: 10.1186/s40104-019-0328-7

2018              Isola, R. G., Hauschild, L., Perondi, D., Andretta, I., Gobi, J. P., Remus, A., Vieira, A. M. Individual responses of growing pigs to threonine intake. Revista Brasileira de Zootecnia. 47, e20170143. Doi: 10.1590/rbz4720170143.

2017              Dalla Costa, F. A., de Castro Tavernari, F., Dalla Costa, O. A., Faleiros de Castro. F., Remus, A. Enrichment of fatty acids Omega 3 series in poultry meat and eggs. PubVet. 11, pp. 113-123. doi: 10.22256/pubvet. v11n2.113-123

2017              Perondi, D., Kipper, M., Andretta, I., Hauschild, L., Lunedo, R., Franceschina, C., Remus, A. Empirical models for predicting feed intake of growing-finishing pigs reared under high environmental temperatures. Scientia Agricola. 75: 4, pp. 296-303. Doi: 10.1590/1678-992X-2016-0363.

2016              Andretta, I., Kipper, M., Hauschild, L., Lehnen, C. R., Remus, A., Melchior, R. Meta-analysis of individual and combined effects of mycotoxins in growing pigs. Scientia Agricola. 73: 4, pp. 328-331. Doi: 10.1590/0103-9016-2015-0132 .

2015              Remus, A., Mendes Peres, F., Hauschild, L., Andretta, I., Kipper, M., Gobi, J. P., Pomar, C. Exploratory study on the utilization of different dietary methionine sources and methionine to lysine ratio for growing–finishing pigs. Livestock Science. 181, pp. 96-102. Doi: 10.1016/j.livsci.2015.10.006.

2015              Hauschild L., Bueno C. D., Remus, A., Gobi, J. P., Isola, R. D., Sakomura, N. K. Multiphase feeding program for broilers can replace traditional system. Scientia Agricola. 72, pp. 210-214. Doi: 10.1590/0103-9016-2014-0207.

2014              Remus, A., Hauschild, L., Andretta, I., Kipper, M., Lehnen, C. R., Sakomura, N. K. A meta-analysis of the feed intake and growth performance of broiler chickens challenged by bacteria. Poultry Science. 93, pp. 1149-58. Doi: 10.3382/ps.2013-03540.

2013              Remus, A., Andretta, I., Kipper, M., Lehnen, C. R., Klein, C. C, Lovatto, P. A., Hauschild, L. A meta-analytical study about the relation of blood plasma addition in diets for piglets in the post-weaning and productive performance variables. Livestock Science. 155, pp. 294-300. Doi: 10.1016/j.livsci.2013.04.020.

2012              Demori, A. B., Lovatto, P. A., Andretta, I., Kipper, M., Lehnen, C. R., Remus, A. Intensive pig production in confinement or outdoor systems: a meta-analytical study of the production performance in the growing and finishing phases and carcass and meat evaluation from the Longissimus dorsi. Ciência Rural. 42, pp. 1294-1299. Doi: 10.1590/S0103-84782012000700025.

2012              Andretta, I., Kipper, M., Lehnen, C. R., Remus, A., Demori, A. B., Lovatto, P. A. Meta-analysis of the relationship between ractopamine and dietary lysine levels on carcass characteristics in pigs. Livestock Science. 143, pp. 91-96. Doi: 10.1016/j.livsci.2011.09.004.


Chapitre de livre 

2020          Andretta, I.,  Remus, A., Franceschi, C.H., Orso, C., Kipper, M. Environmental impacts of feeding crops to poultry and pigs. In Galanakis, Charis M., ed. Environmental Impact of Agro-Food Industry and Food Consumption. Academic Press, 2020.

2019          Pomar, C., van Milgen, J., Remus, A. Precision livestock feeding, principle and practice. In: Sustainable nutrition & feeding of pigs and poultry; Wageningen Academic publishers; Pages: 397 – 418. Published Online: July 16, 2019