
Title: Senior Science Advisor - Integration and development of sciences related to the prioritization and risk assessment of chemicals
Role: Provide state of the science leadership on the fate, behaviour, toxicology and exposure of chemicals to support chemical management decisions made by the Government of Canada and global partners
Organization: Environment and Climate Change Canada
Location: Fontaine Building (Gatineau, QC)
Title: Research Scientist - Aquatic ecotoxicology specialist
Organization: Environment and Climate Change Canada
Title: Research Scientist
Role: Study Leader, Benthic Community Responses to Disturbances
Organization: Environment and Climate Change Canada
Title: Research Scientist - Director of Wildlife Toxicology and Disease
Organization: Environment and Climate Change Canada
Title: Research Scientist - Ecology and Environmental Science; Wetlands; Wildlife Health
Organization: Environment and Climate Change Canada
Title: Research Scientist - Ecotoxicology: identifying and assessing effects of new and emerging contaminants of concern
Organization: Environment and Climate Change Canada
Title: Manager - Soil Toxicology Laboratory, Biological Assessment and Standardization Section
Organization: Environment and Climate Change Canada
Title: Toxicogenomic Biologist - Team Leader, Toxicogenomics Group
Role: Supervise team of technologists who provide species identification service to Wildlife Enforcement Division.
Organization: Environment and Climate Change Canada
Title: Research Scientist - Wildlife Ecotoxicology Research
Organization: Environment and Climate Change Canada
Title: Research Scientist - Aquatic Contaminant Reseach Division
Organization: Environment and Climate Change Canada

By expertise