
Title: Senior analyst/researcher
Organization: Health Canada
Location: Longueuil
Title: Research Scientist
Role: Development for methods of identification and detection of microorganisms used in biotechnology.
Organization: Health Canada
Title: Regulatory Affairs Officer
Role: Screen, review, and analyze incident report submissions for the Pest Management Regulatory Agency Incident Reporting Program. Determine compliance of incident report submissions with the Pest Control Products Act and the Pest Control Products Incident...
Organization: Health Canada
Title: Research Scientist
Role: As a Research Scientist, Dr. Austin is responsible for the Botulism Reference Service of Canada as well as research on botulinum toxin producing strains of Clostridium.
Organization: Health Canada
Location: Ottawa, ON
Title: Team Leader
Organization: Health Canada
Title: Assessment officer
Role: Critical review related to safety, efficacy or quality of health products
Organization: Health Canada
Title: Head of Radiological Impact Section
Organization: Health Canada
Title: Research Scientist
Role: Lead, Biotechnology Laboratory
Organization: Health Canada

By expertise