
Showing 1 to 7 of 7 items

Title: Senior Emeritus Scientist
Role: Senior Emeritus Scientist in regional geology, bedrock mapping, metamorphic petrology, Canadian Arctic geology and tectonics, and geology, metamorphic petrology and tectonic evolution of the Himalaya.
Organization: Natural Resources Canada
Location: 475-601 Booth St., Ottawa, Ontario, Canada K1A0E8
Title: Research Geoscientist
Role: Metallogeny; sediment- and volcanic-hosted base-metal deposits
Organization: Natural Resources Canada
Title: Research Geoscientist
Role: Structural geology, tectonics and geochronology.
Organization: Natural Resources Canada
Title: Research Scientist
Role: Sedimentary Basin Geologist
Organization: Natural Resources Canada
Title: Research Scientist
Role: Research on the genesis of metallic mineral deposits and development of geological, mineralogical and geochemical methods for their exploration
Organization: Natural Resources Canada
Title: Research Scientist
Role: Dr. Huntley is a research scientist specializing in geohazards, geomorphology and glacial geology
Organization: Natural Resources Canada
Title: Expert, Geoscience Information and Knowledge Management.
Organization: Natural Resources Canada