
Showing 1 to 4 of 4 items

Title: Research Scientist (Soil Nutrient Management)
Role: I dedicate my research efforts to enhancing the environmental sustainability and resilience of perennial horticultural crops, primarily through ground cover management and the incorporation of organic amendments. Additionally, I am intrigued by...
Organization: Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
Title: Research Scientist
Role: Mite taxonomist.
Organization: Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
Title: Scientist - Functional agroecology
Role: The overarching theme of my research is to identify different ways of helping soil microorganisms to help us. These microorganisms perform a myriad of processes essential to the sustainable functioning of agroecosystems. A detailed understanding of these...
Organization: Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
Title: Research Scientist
Role: Agroecology and integrative cropping systems
Organization: Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
Location: Fredericton, New Brunswick