
Showing 201 to 210 of 497 items

Title: Scientist Emeritus, Aquatic Animal Health
Role: Update the DFO website entitled "Synopsis of infectious diseases and parasites of commercially exploited shellfish" and provide advice on diseases of shellfish upon request.
Organization: Fisheries and Oceans Canada
Title: Research Scientist
Role: I provide science advice for a number of Arctic marine mammals, in particular ringed and bearded seals, bowhead whale, killer whale, and a number of temperate species moving into the Arctic as sea ice is lost. I am gathering information on how global...
Organization: Fisheries and Oceans Canada
Title: Head, Molluscan Fisheries Section
Organization: Fisheries and Oceans Canada
Title: Head, Water Properties Group
Role: I oversee the Water Properties Group, which supports oceanographic research in both the Pacific and Arctic oceans.  This includes a pool of qualified sea-going technicians and oceanographic equipment (CTD's, rosettes, TSG's, electronic sensors, and other...
Organization: Fisheries and Oceans Canada
Title: Phytoplankton Scientist Emeritus
Organization: Fisheries and Oceans Canada
Title: Research Scientist
Organization: Fisheries and Oceans Canada
Title: Biologist
Role: I'm working as biologist in oceanography of the phytoplankton at the Pelagic and Ecosystem Science Branch at Maurice Lamontagne Institute in Mont-Joli, Qc. I specialize in toxic and harmful algae as well as climate-active trace gases.
Organization: Fisheries and Oceans Canada
Title: Research Scientist
Organization: Natural Resources Canada
Title: Research Scientist
Organization: Canadian Food Inspection Agency
Title: Manager, National Collection of Vascular Plants (DAO) and Canadian National Mycological Herbarium (DAOM)
Role: Shannon is responsible for the preservation of and access to herbarium collection materials. These collections are made available for use by Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada research staff, as well as other professional partners including government...
Organization: Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
Location: Central Experimental Farm, Ottawa