Sherbrooke Research and Development Centre

  • Pigs
  • Cows
  • Cows 2


The Sherbrooke Research and Development Centre (Sherbrooke RDC) located in Sherbrooke, Québec was established in 1914. It is one of the Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada's (AAFC) network of 20 research and development centres. 

Areas of Research

Research at Sherbrooke RDC focuses on developing cost-effective and environmentally friendly dairy and swine production techniques that provide Canadians with high-quality agricultural products.

The Sherbrooke RDC is the only AAFC research centre that is dedicated exclusively to dairy and swine production. Specializing in a number of different disciplines in the areas of animal science such as husbandry, nutrition, functional genomics, agro-environmental processes, behaviour study and meat quality, the centre’s research teams are able to conduct both fundamental and applied research to gain insight into and develop solutions to issues related to livestock production.

Search Research projects from the Sherbrooke Research and Development Centre to learn more about what we do.

Sector Needs

The Sherbrooke RDC carries out innovative research, development, technology and knowledge transfer activities in support of the AAFC's Strategic Plan for Science, which includes:

Enhancing the Sector’s Productivity

The efficiency and productivity of the Dairy and Swine sector are enhanced by researching genetics, livestock and the production system, with an emphasis on:

  • Disease resistance
  • Animal welfare
  • Sow productivity
  • Cow lactation persistency
  • Effectiveness of cow and pork inputs

Enhancing environmental performance

By reducing the environmental impact of dairy and pork production, we:

  • Reduce greenhouse gas emissions and nutrient excretion from cows
  • Reduce swine excretion and odours
  • Reduce microbial contamination in swine manure by using different separation systems

At the production system level, we reduce gas and ammonia emissions and improve nutrient management and the efficient use of natural resources in dairy and swine operations.

Improving food and non-food attributes

By identifying and developing value-added attributes in pork carcasses and meat and in meat quality to improve quality for food and non-food uses throughout the food chain.

Dealing with the risks of the value chain

By improving cow and swine health and milk safety. By reducing the use of antibiotics and the risk of disease from pathogens in manure and slurry. For poultry and other animals, by contributing to the conservation of genetic resources and improvement of safety throughout the value chain.

Meet our Scientists

Find out more about the scientists at Sherbrooke Research and Development Centre through their profiles below.

You can also visit the Fields of Science campaign featuring 11 Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada scientists from coast to coast. Discover why they chose to pursue a career in agriculture and learn more about their research.

2000 College Street
Sherbrooke, QC J1M 0C8
(819) 565-9171

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Scientists and researchers

Image Aline Remus
Research scientist in precision nutrition and metabolism in pigs
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada


Image Bernard Goyette
Research scientist - Agro-Environmental Process Engineering
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada


Image Candido Pomar
Reseach Scientist
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada


Image Céline Ster
Research Scientist
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada


Image Chantal Farmer
Research scientist
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada


Image Wassim123$
Research Scientist
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada


Research scientist
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada


Image Danyel Bueno Dalto
Research scientist
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada


Image Dominic Poulin-Laprade
Research Scientist
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada


Image Eveline Ibeagha-Awemu
Research Scientist
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada


Image Renee M. Petri
Research Scientist Gastrointestinal Microbiome
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada


Research Scientist
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada


Image Isabelle Breune
Agronomist, Technology Transfer Officer
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada


Research Scientist
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada


Image Luigi Faucitano
Research scientist
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada


Image Marcel Marcoux
Research professional
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada


Image Marie-France Palin
Research Scientist
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada


Image Mélissa Duplessis
Research scientist
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada


Image Mylene Blais
Research Scientist
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada


Image Nathalie Bissonnette
Research Scientist, animal genomics
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada


Image Nicolas Devillers
Research Scientist in pig behaviour and welfare
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada


Image Pierre Lacasse
Research Scientist
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada


Image Rajinikanth Rajagopal
Research Scientist
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada



  1. Genest-Richard P., Halde C., Breune I., Mundler P., Devillers N. 2024. Une caractérisation de l’élevage alternatif au Québec. 3ème congrès annuel du RQRAD (Réseau québécois de recherche en agriculture durable), 13-15 février 2024, Québec (QC). p136-137.

    2024 - View publication details

  2. Breune I., Genest-Richard P., Devillers N. 2024. Analyse de systèmes alternatifs de polyélevage québécois - Méthodologie de calcul des indicateurs agronomiques et environnementaux. Janvier 2024. Rapport, 23 pp.

    2024 - View publication details

  3. Poulin, A-A., Hassanat, F., Tremblay, G., Ouellet, D., Petri, R., Thériault, M., Claessens, A., Bertrand, A. et Charbonneau, É. 2022. Variation of the alfalfa energy-to-protein ratio to maximize nitrogen use efficiency by rumen microbes. ADSA Annual Meeting, June 25-28, 2023, Ottawa, ON, Canada [poster] and J. Dairy Sci. 106(Suppl. 1): 1133M. [Abstract]

    2023 - View publication details

  4. Nadeau, F., Charbonneau, E., Hasnaoui, M., Lapierre, H, and D. R. Ouellet. Substitution of soybean meal by canola meal in dairy rations on fluid-associated and particle-associated bacteria at the duodenum. J. Dairy Sci. 106, Suppl. 1.

    2023 - View publication details

  5. Impact d’une réduction en protéines métabolisables de la ration sur le statut immunitaire et métabolique des vaches laitières pendant la période de transition. Tapp G.*, Beaudoin F., Ouellet D., Malouin F., Lacasse P., Ster C. 2023. Journée d’information scientifique sur les bovins laitiers et les plantes fourragères, Centre de référence en agriculture et agroalimentaire du Québec. Drummondville, 8 Février, 2023

    2023 - View publication details

  6. Poulin, A-A., Hassanat, F., Tremblay, G., Ouellet, D., Petri, R., Thériault, M., Claessens, A., Bertrand, A. et Charbonneau, É. 2023. L’efficacité d’utilisation de l’azote par les microbes du rumen est affectée par le ratio énergie/protéines de la luzerne. Journée d'information scientifique sur les bovins laitiers et les plantes fourragères. 8 février 2023, Drummondville, QC. CRAAQ [affiche]

    2023 - View publication details

  7. Byrne, A., Ollier, S., Tahlan, K., Biet, F., Bissonnette, N. (2023). Genomic epidemiology of Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis isolates from Canadian dairy herds provides evidence for multiple infection events. Frontiers in Genetics, [online] 14

    2023 - View publication details

  8. Yan, X., Zhang, Q., Connor, L., Devillers, N., Dick, K. (2023). A 2D stick model for simulation of sow walking on concrete floors and detection of sow lameness. Biosystems Engineering, [online] 226 99-115.

    2023 - View publication details

  9. Liu, X.; Floate, K.D.; Gorzelak, M.A.; Holman, D.B.; Hrycauk, S.; Kubota, H.; Lupwayi, N.; Neilson, J.A.D.; Ortega Polo, R.; Petri, R.M.; Tran, L.; Wang, H.; Wilches, D.; Yang, X.; Zorz, J.; Guarna, M.M. Prairie Agroecosystems: Interconnected Microbiomes of Livestock, Soil and Insects. Agriculture 2023, 13, 326.

    2023 - View publication details

  10. Poulin, A-A., Hassanat, F., Tremblay, G., Ouellet, D., Petri, R., Thériault, M., Claessens, A., Bertrand, A. et Charbonneau, É. 2022.Variation du ratio énergie/protéines de la luzerne pour maximiser l’efficacité de l’utilisation de l’azote par les microbes du rumen. Symposium sur les bovins laitiers, 2 novembre 2022, Drummondville, QC. CRAAQ.

    2022 - View publication details