Update on CHC research


Blatt, S. 2021. Update on CHC research for Ontario Apple Growers Research Group. Virtual meeting, October.

Plain language summary

Research conducted as part of the CHC Apple Cluster comprised 3 activities: evaluation of current products for apple maggot control, development of a degree-day model for apple leaf curling midge and host volatiles for mass trapping of leafroller species. This update provided current developments on the leaf curling midge degree-day model and status of the mass trapping studies. All data for the degree-day model were collected in 2020 and the model developed and provided to industry in 2021. During the 2021 field season, some sites conducted an additional year of trapping to validate the degree-day model. Leafroller trials using the host volatiles occurred in QC and ON, while mass trapping trials occurred in NS and BC. The mass trapping trials showed some promise for reducing damage to apples (by 3%) and these trials will be repeated in 2022. Trials in QC and ON will also be repeated in 2022 due to low populations in ON and a desire to validate results obtained in 2020 and 2021 in QC.


Research conducted as part of the CHC Apple Cluster comprised 3 activities: evaluation of current products for apple maggot control, development of a degree-day model for apple leaf curling midge and host volatiles for mass trapping of leafroller species. This update provided current developments on the leaf curling midge degree-day model and status of the mass trapping studies. All data for the degree-day model were collected in 2020 and the model developed and provided to industry in 2021. During the 2021 field season, some sites conducted an additional year of trapping to validate the degree-day model. Leafroller trials using the host volatiles occurred in QC and ON, while mass trapping trials occurred in NS and BC. The mass trapping trials showed some promise for reducing damage to apples (by 3%) and these trials will be repeated in 2022. Trials in QC and ON will also be repeated in 2022 due to low populations in ON and a desire to validate results obtained in 2020 and 2021 in QC.

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