Twitter post regarding scouting and assessment for canola diseases, 2021.


19. Turkington, T.K. 2021. Twitter post regarding scouting and assessment for canola diseases, 2021. The post is in relation to the challenges of the 2021 drought and the importance of end-of-season sclerotinia and blackleg canola disease scouting as there may have been localized areas with more rainfall and potential disease development and to assess fungicide response or lack thereof. August 9, 2021. url: (retrieved 2022 Feb 11).

Plain language summary

Twitter post regarding scouting and assessment for canola diseases, 2021. The post is in relation to the challenges of the 2021 drought and the importance of end-of-season sclerotinia and blackleg canola disease scouting as there may have been localized areas with more rainfall and potential disease development and to assess fungicide response or lack thereof.


Twitter post regarding scouting and assessment for canola diseases, 2021. The post is in relation to the challenges of the 2021 drought and the importance of end-of-season sclerotinia and blackleg canola disease scouting as there may have been localized areas with more rainfall and potential disease development and to assess fungicide response or lack thereof.

Publication date


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