RT-PCR differentiation, molecular and pathological characterization of Andean and ordinary strains of potato virus S in potatoes in China


Wang, J., Meng, F., Chen, R., Liu, J., Nie, X., Nie, B. (2016). RT-PCR differentiation, molecular and pathological characterization of Andean and ordinary strains of potato virus S in potatoes in China. Plant Disease, [online] 100(8), 1580-1585. http://dx.doi.org/10.1094/PDIS-11-15-1257-RE


A survey of potatoes in a field in Hubei, China, for common potato viruses revealed that Potato virus S (PVS) was the most abundant virus. To unveil the strain identity of the virus, primers specific to the ordinary and/or Andean strains of PVS (i.e., PVSO and PVSA) were designed. RT-PCR using these primers successfully detected PVSO and PVSA in the samples. Sequence analysis of the amplicons confirmed the correctness of the RT-PCR assay. Two isolates, PVS HB24 and PVS HB7, representing PVSO and PVSA, respectively, were chosen for molecular and biological characterization. Both isolates contained a genome of 8,453 nt in length with six open reading frames. They shared a sequence identity of 79.5% at the complete genome sequence level. Phylogenetic analysis placed PVS HB24 and PVS HB7 to PVSO and PVSA clades, respectively. PVS HB24 induced chlorotic local lesions on the inoculated leaves but no visible symptom on the upper uninoculated leaves of Chenopodium quinoa after mechanical inoculation, whereas PVS HB7 induced both local and systemic symptoms on C. quinoa. ELISA and RT-PCR confirmed that PVS HB7 infected C. quinoa systemically whereas PVS HB24 failed to do so. Both isolates infected potato cv. Shepody and Solanum chacoense asymptomatically, but did not infect Nicotiana occidentalis and N. tobaccum cv. Samsun.

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