Responses of a mountain peatland to increasing temperature: A microcosm study of greenhouse gas emissions and microbial community dynamics


Wang, X., Siciliano, S., Helgason, B., Bedard-Haughn, A. (2017). Responses of a mountain peatland to increasing temperature: A microcosm study of greenhouse gas emissions and microbial community dynamics. Soil Biology & Biochemistry, [online] 110 22-33.

Plain language summary

Rocky Mountain peatland soils store vast amounts of carbon which may be lost to the atmosphere due to climate change. Nitrous oxide and methane are other important greenhouse gasses (GHG) which can be emitted from peat soils. However, not all peatland soils are formed under the same conditions, which causes them to behave differently from one another. Bacteria living in the peat soils are responsible for emitting GHG. The response of different types of bacteria and other soil biota will ultimately determine how the soils respond to altered environmental conditions caused by climate change. In this study, we exposed Rocky Mountain peatland soils to elevated temperature and lowered water table conditions.
We measured GHG emissions and bacterial responses under these altered environmental conditions which may occur under climate change. An increase in temperature stimulated GHG emission of CO2, N2O and CH4 more than lowering the water table. Peat that contains mineral lenses produced less GHG overall as well as under increased temperature, potentially due to a shift in the microbial community structure in non-mineral peat. This work helps to understand, model and predict the response of Canadian peatlands to climate change.


Mountain peatlands often have mineral horizons embedded within or buried below the peat, which affects substrate quality and soil properties in subsurface peat. However, their role in greenhouse gases (GHG) production and GHG responses to temperature and water table changes are uncertain. We conducted a laboratory microcosm experiment to assess the effect of changes in temperature and water table on two peat profiles (with and without mineral sediments) on the GHG emission and concentrations and on the microbial community structure. Two soil types – sedge peat/mineral/calcareous sediments (PMC) and sedge peat/moss peat (PP) – were incubated for 28 days under four temperature/water table treatments: 15°C/-15 cm, 25°C/-15 cm, 15°C/-40 cm, and 25°C/-40 cm. Surface GHG emissions and GHG concentrations from four depths (surface, above water table, below water table, and above mineral contact) were monitored. Results indicated that increasing temperature had the most significant effect on overall GHG emissions. High temperature increased GHG emission (CO2 by 28%, CH4 by 133% and 178% N2O) and concentrations – at surface and at depth (CO2 by 32–83%, CH4 by 200–1600% and N2O by −61–230%) – in most samples. In contrast, lowering the water table decreased only CH4 emissions. Soil types also significantly affected GHG emission and concentrations: CO2 and N2O from subsurface peat were higher in PP than PMC. Moreover, there was an interaction effect of temperature and soil types for N2O: concentrations in PP were more increased by high temperature above and below the water table. To understand how temperature influences GHG, especially N2O production, 25°C/-15 cm incubated and Background (not incubated) cores were disassembled to measure apparent enzyme activation energy (Ea), and bacterial community structure above and below the water table. Results indicated that higher Ea and less relative abundance of copiotrophs were detected in PMC than in PP, because of less labile C in PMC. High temperature treatment also changed the microbial community structure at the class level in PP but not PMC. These together resulted in less increase of N2O production with increasing temperature in PMC. Overall, our findings suggest that peat profiles with mineral horizons may produce less GHG – especially N2O – when temperature increases.

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