Response of nitrogen uptake and partitioning to critical nitrogen supply in oat cultivars


Zhao, G.Q., Ma, B.L., Ren, C.Z. (2009). Response of nitrogen uptake and partitioning to critical nitrogen supply in oat cultivars. Crop Science, [online] 49(3), 1040-1048.


Nitrogen uptake and partitioning in oat (Avena sativa L.) are not well documented. A greenhouse study was conducted to determine the critical timing of N supply on the growth, N uptake, and partitioning. Plants grown in plastic pots were subjected to fi ve N fertilization regimes: (i) control, N supply from seedling to physiological maturity (PM); (ii) N supply from seedling to fl ag leaf; (iii) N supply from fl ag leaf to PM; (iv) N supply from seedling to heading; and (v) N supply from heading to PM. Leaf chlorophyll content, plant dry matter (DM), and N uptake and accumulation were measured. Total plant DM was 21% greater for naked 'VAO-2' than for covered 'Prescott', while both genotypes produced similar grain yields. Varietal differences in total plant N were signifi cant (P < 0.05) with average of 18% higher N content for VAO-2, but most of its accumulated N was in the vegetative components. For both varieties, N supply was more critical before heading than thereafter. Compared with the control, restriction of N supply from seedling to fl ag leaf stage signifi cantly reduced spikelet number (28%) and grain yield (26%). Withholding N supply until heading reduced yield by up to 65% and N uptake by 75%. No yield reduction occurred when N was withheld from fl ag leaf or heading to PM. Although naked VAO-2 accumulated more N than Prescott under the same conditions, partitioning of N to the grain in VAO-2 was less effi cient.© Crop Science Society of America.

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