Recognizing apple decline in your orchard


MacDonald JL, Forge T, Hannam K, Judd G, Moffat C, O'Gorman D, Sanfacon H, Urbez-Torres JR, Xu H. 2019. "Recognizing Apple Decline in Your Orchard." Agriculture & Agri-Food Canada, Summerland, BC. AAFC No. 12995E/F.


‘Apple decline’, also known as ‘rapid apple decline’ or ‘sudden apple death’ has been reported over the last several years in apple growing regions across North America (e.g., New York, Pennsylvania, Ontario). A number of potential signs and symptoms of apple decline in British Columbia have been identified. While we are not yet sure of the association between these symptoms and the eventual death of apple trees, monitoring for and reporting of apple decline signs and symptoms to Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada will help us understand the extent of the issue and identify best practices for management and mitigation.