Radiodensity in the central cavity of humeri in high-producing non-commercial laying hens


Clark, W.D., Cox, W.R., Silversides, F.G. (2007). Radiodensity in the central cavity of humeri in high-producing non-commercial laying hens. British Poultry Science, [online] 48(6), 647-650.


1.Line differences in the incidence of the presence of radiodense material in the central cavities of humeri of 6 different lines of laying hens were observed using radiographs. 2.Internal humeral radiodense material was observed in over 60% of hens in two lines and 18% of hens in two other lines measured at 65 weeks of age. There was no difference in the incidence (15, 16%) between the last two lines observed at 47 weeks of age. 3.In the 4 lines studied at 65 weeks of age the presence of radiodense material was associated with increased humerus dry weight and ash weight in two lines, while percentage-ash was reduced in all 4 lines. 4.Results from this and previous studies suggest that humeral medullary bone could be an appreciable source of variability in experimental data collected to assess skeletal health.

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