Quantifying the short-term contribution of switchgrass (Panicum virgatum L.) to soil carbon using<sup>13</sup> C natural abundance technique in a sandy loam soil in eastern Canada


Sharifi, M., Lynch, D., Burton, D.L., Papadopoulos, Y.A., Main, M. (2019). Quantifying the short-term contribution of switchgrass (Panicum virgatum L.) to soil carbon using13 C natural abundance technique in a sandy loam soil in eastern Canada. Canadian Journal of Soil Science, [online] 99(2), 217-221. http://dx.doi.org/10.1139/cjss-2018-0145

Plain language summary

The soil carbon (C) accumulation rate was determined for switchgrass, as compared with selected C3 species in Nova Scotia, Canada. There was no effect of crops on total soil C retention, while soil 13C signature (δ13C) was enriched by 0.4‰ in switchgrass relative to other C3 species and C accumulation rate was 0.1 Mg-1ha-1yr-1 in the top 30-cm depth.


The soil carbon (C) accumulation rate was determined for switchgrass, as compared with selected C3 species in Nova Scotia, Canada. There was no significant effect of crops on total soil C retention, whereas soil13 C signature (δ13 C) was enriched by 0.4‰ in switchgrass relative to other C3 species, and C accumulation rate was 0.06 Mg ha−1 yr−1 in the top 30 cm of soil.

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