Potato resistance to insects.


Pelletier, Y., Horgan, F.G., and Pompon, J. (2011). "Potato resistance to insects.", The Americas Journal of Plant Science and Biotechnology, 5(Special issue1), pp. 37-52.


Potato, Solanum tuberosum, is the fourth major crop and is grown around the world.It is subject to a large number of insect pests, but the Colorado potato beetle, the potato tuber moths and aphids are the most damaging.Crop resistance to these insects can alleviate problems caused by the use of synthetic insecticides.The diversity of wild tuber-bearing Solanum species offers a source of resistance to insects and pathogens; however, it has so far been under-utilized.This article reviews progress made in the development of insect resistant potato cultivars, as well as the biological and methodological challenges of developing insect resistant potato varieties. We conclude that the prospects of using wild species in future potato breeding programs are good, but, screening and experimental protocols need to be more holistic given the complexity of insect-potato interactions.

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