Microspore culture in Brassica napus - a method for haploid production and a model system for studying embryogenesis in plants.


Pauls KP, Van Dyenze A, Deslauriers C, Powell A, Siebel J, Cloutier S, Lo KH, Fuchs K, Yu KF (1994) Microspore culture in Brassica napus - a method for haploid production and a model system for studying embryogenesis in plants. Curr Topics Mol Genet (Life Sci Adv) 2:35-511


The products of microscope culture have unique applications in plant breeding and studies of plant genetics. Furthermore, the culture system provides a useful model for studying the changes that occur during developmental processes in plants. In particular, haploid plants and tissues can be used: 1) to rapidly fix traits in a homozygous state (thus reducing cultivar development time); 2) to simplify the inheritance patterns of plant traits; 3) for in vitro selection and 4) to examine cellular and molecular changes that accompany embryogenesis in plants.

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