Manipulation of host choice of Varroa as a possible avenue for mitigation of varroosis in honey bees


Soroker V, Pernal SF, Plettner E (2018) Manipulation of host choice and mobility of Varroa mites as a possible avenue for mitigation of varroosis in honey bee colonies. Entomological Society of America, Entomological Society of Canada and Entomological Society of British Columbia Joint Annual Meeting, 11-14 Nov 2018, Vancouver, BC.


The mite Varroa destructor (Anderson & Trueman) is a parasite of honey bees, Apis mellifera and Apis cerana. The mites have become a problem in beekeeping nearly worldwide since they spread from their original host, Apis cerana, nearly a century ago. Varroa mites parasitize the brood during their reproductive phase, and they parasitize adult worker bees during their phoretic phase. When phoretic mites emerge with a bee, they switch to other adult bees, preferentially nurses. Foragers are older workers that are often avoided by Varroa mites. We have discovered compounds that alter the host choice of Varroa mites, such that they choose a forager over a nurse, and we also have discovered compounds that delay host choice by phoretic mites. We present the discovery of these compounds and how they could be used in practical applications.

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