Landscape modelling of residual soil nitrogen and leaching loss in Canadian farmland


Yang, J.Y., Drury, C.F., Yang, X.M., Huffman, T., De Jong, R., Keith, R. 2016. Landscape modelling of residual soil nitrogen and leaching loss in Canadian farmland. Invited oral presentation in: the 3rd International Symposium on Environment and Development: Sustainable High-Output Agricultural Systems – East Asia and North American Experiences (ISENREC2016), August 10-13, 2016. Vancouver, BC, Canada.

Plain language summary

Nitrogen input from fertilizer, manure and biological N fixation and the nitrogen output mainly by crop removal and nitrogen gasses emissions at farmland scale can be assessed by modelling approaches. This presentation introduced soil nitrogen balance and nitrogen leaching simulation study in Canadian farmland scales. Residual Soil Nitrogen (RSN) and nitrate leaching estimations at landscape were carried out using a self-developed Canadian Agriculture Nitrogen Budget (CANB) v4.0 model, at Soil Landscape of Canada 1:1M scale from 1981-2011. The RSN was calculated based on differences of total N input minus N outputs at harvest time based on an annual RSN budget. Various agricultural production (i.e., soil, crops, areas, yields and livestock) and fertilizer management database were used as input to calculate the RSN. Daily weather data was used to calculate the non-growing season and growing season drainages at each location. Then, N leaching loss was estimated in both non-growing season and growing season. The results were scaled up to various eco-regional, province and Canada scales. The main results of RSN and N leaching at temporal and special scales were illustrated.


Nitrogen (N) input from fertilizer, manure and biological N fixation and the N output mainly by crop removal and nitrogen gasses emissions at farmland scale can be assessed by modelling approaches. This presentation introduced soil nitrogen balance and N leaching simulation study in Canadian farmland scales. Residual Soil Nitrogen (RSN) and N leaching estimations at landscape were carried out using a self-developed Canadian Agriculture Nitrogen Budget (CANB) v4.0 model, at Soil Landscape of Canada 1:1M scale from 1981-2011. The RSN was calculated based on differences of total N input minus N outputs at harvest time based on an annual RSN budget. Various agricultural production (i.e., soil, crops, areas, yields and livestock) and fertilizer management database were used as input to calculate the RSN. Daily weather data was used to calculate the non-growing season (NGS) and growing season (GS) drainages at each location. Then, N leaching loss was estimated in both NGS and GS seasons. The results were scaled up to various eco-regional, province and Canada scales. The main results of RSN and N leaching at temporal and special scales were illustrated.