Introduced leaf beetles of the maritime provinces, 5: The lily leaf beetle, lilioceris lilii (Scopoli) (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae)


Majka, C.G., LeSage, L. (2008). Introduced leaf beetles of the maritime provinces, 5: The lily leaf beetle, lilioceris lilii (Scopoli) (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae). Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington, [online] 110(1), 186-195.


Lilioceris lilii (Scopoli), the lily leaf beetle, is an introduced Palearctic leaf beetle now established in many parts of central and eastern Canada and in New England. It is a voracious feeder on plants in the genera Fritillaria and Lilium, a cause of concern in North America where it is found. The introduction history and bionomics of the species are briefly reviewed. Its distribution in the Maritime Provinces of Canada is detailed, focusing particularly on its rapid radiation during the past five years. Observations on dispersal phenology and longevity in the region are given. Concerns with respect to its recent spread to the native Canada lily, Lilium canadense, are expressed. Biocontrol measures and programs being pursued in the United States are noted in relation to options that could be investigated in Canada to reduce the beetle's impact. © 2008 The Entomological Society of Washington.

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