An Integrated Surface Parameter Inversion Scheme over Agricultural Fields at Early Growing Stages by Means of C-Band Polarimetric RADARSAT-2 Imagery


Huang, X., Wang, J., Shang, J. (2016). An Integrated Surface Parameter Inversion Scheme over Agricultural Fields at Early Growing Stages by Means of C-Band Polarimetric RADARSAT-2 Imagery. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, [online] 54(5), 2510-2528.


Many research studies have investigated surface parameter inversion for bare soils. This paper attempts to take into account the agricultural fields with crop residues and fields under low vegetation cover in addition to bare soil fields. An integrated surface parameter inversion scheme (ISPIS) is proposed to invert surface parameters in these agricultural fields based on the analysis of $H{-}\alpha$ parameters at the early crop growing stages, in which the calibrated integral equation model (CIEM) is adopted to invert surface parameters for bare soils, and an adaptive two-component decomposition combined with the CIEM and a simplified adaptive volume scattering model is developed for fields with crop residues and under low vegetation cover. Fully polarimetric RADARSAT-2 data with ground truth collected on April 29 and May 9 in 2013 and from May to June in 2014 are used for validation. Compared with other methods, the derived volumetric soil moisture (MV) and surface roughness (KS) of all agricultural fields are consistent with verifiable observations with the lowest overall root mean square error: 6.12 [vol.%] and 0.48, respectively, when all sample sites are considered.

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