Identification and characterization of a fusarium head blight resistance gene TaACT in wheat QTL-2DL


Kage, U., Karre, S., Kushalappa, A.C., McCartney, C. (2017). Identification and characterization of a fusarium head blight resistance gene TaACT in wheat QTL-2DL. Plant Biotechnology Journal, [online] 15(4), 447-457.

Plain language summary

This study investigated biological basis of Fusarium head blight resistance in wheat (Triticum aestivum). Previous research identified a region of wheat chromosome arm 2DL from the wheat line Wuhan-1 as contributing resistance to FHB. Wheat metabolites were tested in wheat lines with and without this region of chromosome arm 2DL from Wuhan-1 following inoculation of the plants with Fusarium graminearum, which is the pathogen causing Fusarium head blight. Disease resistance metabolites were identified. A gene called TaACT (TaACT = agmatine coumaroyl transferase from Triticum aestivum) was identified as a candidate gene involved in the production of these metabolites. This gene was located in the corresponding region of wheat chromosome arm 2DL and could be responsible for the FHB resistance in this region from the wheat line Wuhan-1.


Fusarium head blight (FHB) resistance in wheat is considered to be polygenic in nature. Cell wall fortification is one of the best resistance mechanisms in wheat against Fusarium graminearum which causes FHB. Metabolomics approach in our study led to the identification of a wide array of resistance-related (RR) metabolites, among which hydroxycinnamic acid amides (HCAAs), such as coumaroylagmatine and coumaroylputrescine, were the highest fold change RR metabolites in the rachis of a resistant near-isogenic line (NIL-R) upon F. graminearum infection. Placement of these metabolites in the secondary metabolic pathway led to the identification of a gene encoding agmatine coumaroyl transferase, herein referred to as TaACT, as a candidate gene. Based on wheat survey sequence, TaACT was located within a FHB quantitative trait loci on chromosome 2DL (FHB QTL-2DL) between the flanking markers WMC245 and GWM608. Phylogenetic analysis suggested that TaACT shared closest phylogenetic relationship with an ACT ortholog in barley. Sequence analysis of TaACT in resistant and susceptible NILs, with contrasting levels of resistance to FHB, led to the identification of several single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and two inversions that may be important for gene function. Further, a role for TaACT in FHB resistance was functionally validated by virus-induced gene silencing (VIGS) in wheat NIL-R and based on complementation studies in Arabidopsis with act mutant background. The disease severity, fungal biomass and RR metabolite analysis confirmed TaACT as an important gene in wheat FHB QTL-2DL, conferring resistance to F. graminearum.

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