Fertilizer n response and canola yield in the semiarid canadian prairies


Cutforth, H., McConkey, B., Brandt, S., Gan, Y., Lafond, G., Angadi, S., Judiesch, D. (2009). Fertilizer n response and canola yield in the semiarid canadian prairies. Canadian Journal of Plant Science, [online] 89(3), 501-503. http://dx.doi.org/10.4141/CJPS08128


Canola is a viable crop when grown under fallow in the semiarid prairie, but is also grown in longer rotations, most often no-till seeded into standing stubble. Selecting the proper N fertilizer rate is a very challenging production decision, but most of the available nitrogen response for canola has been derived for the more subhumid parts of the Canadian prairies. We developed simple quadratic equations to describe the yield relationship for stubble-seeded open-pollinated and hybrid canola in the semiarid Canadian prairie. These relationships indicate that hybrid canola produced higher grain yields at all fertilizer rates and had optimum N fertilizer rates about 50% higher than those for open-pollinated canola.

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