Exogenous porcine somatotropin stimulates mammary development in late-pregnant gilts


Farmer, C., Langendijk, P. (2019). Exogenous porcine somatotropin stimulates mammary development in late-pregnant gilts. Journal of Animal Science, [online] 97(6), 2433-2440. http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/jas/skz136

Plain language summary

Rapid mammary development occurs in late gestation and is under hormonal control. Current findings demonstrate that increasing circulating concentrations of the growth factor IGF-1 in late-pregnant female pigs can stimulate their mammary development.


The goal of this project was to determine if increasing insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) concentrations in late pregnancy can stimulate mammogenesis in gilts. Yorkshire × Landrace gilts of a similar body weight (BW; 196.2 ± 6.2 kg) on day 89 of gestation were separated in 2 groups, namely, controls (CTL, n = 17) that were injected with sterile water, and porcine somatotropin-treated (pST, n = 20) that received injections of 5 mg of pST (Reporcin). Injections were given daily from days 90 to 109 of gestation and gilts were slaughtered on day 110 to collect mammary glands for compositional analyses. Blood samples were obtained on days 89, 96, 103, and 109 of gestation to measure IGF-1, free fatty acids (FFA), urea, glucose, and insulin concentrations. Treated gilts gained more BW (22.7 vs. 18.2 kg, P < 0.05) and lost more backfat (P < 0.05) than CTL gilts during the treatment period. There was a treatment × day effect (P < 0.01) on IGF-1, glucose, and urea concentrations. Concentrations of IGF-1 increased 4-fold (P < 0.01) in pST compared with CTL gilts on days 96, 103, and 109 of gestation. Insulin values were also greater on days 96 (P < 0.01) and 103 (P = 0.01), and tended to be greater (P < 0.10) on day 109 of gestation in pST gilts. Glucose was greater in pST than CTL gilts on days 96 (P < 0.01), 103 (P < 0.01), and 109 (P = 0.01). Concentrations of urea were lower (P < 0.01) on days 96, 103, and 109 of gestation in gilts receiving pST injections, and FFA was not altered by treatment on any sampling day (P > 0.10). Injections of pST did not affect mammary extraparenchymal tissue weight (P > 0.10) but increased mammary parenchymal mass (1922 vs. 1576 ± 124 g, P < 0.05). The composition of parenchymal tissue was also altered by treatment. Mammary parenchyma from pST gilts contained more (P < 0.05) protein, DNA and RNA and less fat (P < 0.05) and dry matter (P < 0.01) than that from CTL gilts. These findings provide a clear demonstration that increasing circulating IGF-1 in late-pregnant gilts can stimulate mammary development both in terms of total parenchymal mass and of parenchymal tissue composition.

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