The CpnClassiPhyR is a resource for cpn60 universal target-based classification of phytoplasmas


Muirhead, K., Perez-Lopez, E., Bahder, B.W., Hill, J.E., Dumonceaux, T. (2019). The CpnClassiPhyR is a resource for cpn60 universal target-based classification of phytoplasmas. Plant Disease, [online] 103(10), 2494-2497.

Plain language summary

Phytoplasmas are plant pathogenic bacteria that can cause severe losses in crop seed yield and quality. These insect-vectored bacteria are not amenable to culture in the laboratory, and their detection and classification has relied on the determination of DNA sequences of target genes. Phytoplasma detection and surveillance has relied on a system for classifying phytoplasmas based on the sequence of 16S rRNA-encoding genes. However, limitations associated with the exclusive use of these gene sequences, including their limited ability to discern closely related strains and the fact that the two copies of this gene found in phytoplasma genomes can provide conflicting typing results has led to the search for complementary markers for phytoplasma classification. We provide a web-based interface, the CpnClassiPhyR, for classifying phytoplasma strains using the sequence of a single-copy, protein-coding gene, chaperonin-60 (cpn60). Classification of phytoplasmas using both taxonomic markers will improve phytoplasma strain tracking, benefiting agricultural production systems worldwide.


Phytoplasmas are plant-pathogenic bacteria that are associated with yield losses in many crop plants worldwide. Phytoplasma strain differentiation is accomplished using in silico restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analysis of 16S ribosomal RNA-encoding gene sequences, which has resulted in the definition of ribosomal groups and subgroups of phytoplasmas. Due to limitations associated with this approach, a complementary classification scheme was recently developed based on RFLP analysis of the single-copy, proteinencoding gene chaperonin-60 (cpn60). We present the CpnClassiPhyR, software that facilitates phytoplasma strain classification using both RFLP and automated phylogenetic analysis of cpn60 sequences. This software is available through a web interface at http://

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