Circulating metabolic hormones during the peripubertal period and their association with testicular development in bulls


Brito, L.F.C., Barth, A.D., Rawlings, N.C., Wilde, R.E., Crews, D.H., Mir, P.S., Kastelic, J.P. (2007). Circulating metabolic hormones during the peripubertal period and their association with testicular development in bulls. Reproduction in Domestic Animals, [online] 42(5), 502-508.


The objective of the present study was to characterize changes in serum metabolic hormones concentrations from 20 weeks before to 20 weeks post-puberty in bulls and to investigate the associations of metabolic hormones concentrations with testicular development. Leptin concentrations increased from 16 weeks before puberty to 8 weeks post-puberty and insulin concentrations increased from puberty to 8 weeks post-puberty. Growth hormone concentrations decreased after 4 weeks post-puberty, whereas IGF-I concentrations increased from 8 weeks before puberty to 8 weeks post-puberty. During this period, testicular growth was accelerated and testosterone secretion increased substantially, without any significant changes in gonadotropin secretion. Monthly circulating concentrations of leptin, IGF-I and insulin accounted for 63% of the variation in scrotal circumference and 59% of the variation in paired testes volume. In conclusion, the secretion of metabolic hormones was not associated with changes in gonadotropins concentrations. Furthermore, the associations of leptin, IGF-I and insulin concentrations with testes size indicated that these hormones might be involved in a gonadotropin-independent mechanism regulating the testicular development in peripubertal bulls. © 2007 The Authors.

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