Characterizing the phosphorus forms extracted from soil by the Mehlich III soil test


Cade-Menun, B.J., K.R. Elkin, C.W. Liu, R.B. Bryant, P.J.A. Kleinman and P.A. Moore, Jr. 2018. Characterizing the phosphorus forms extracted from soil by the Mehlich III soil test. Geochem. Trans. 19:7.

Plain language summary

Phosphorus (P) can limit crop production in many soils, so soil testing is used to guide fertilizer recommendations and to minimize the impacts of excess P from fertilizers on water quality. Unfortunately, different popular soil test methodologies used to determine P concentrations can provide different results, which could affect fertilizer application. This study characterized soil P forms and their concentrations using advanced independent techniques, including multiple forms of soil P undetectable by the most commonly used methods in soil testing labs. The results showed that one common technique may substantially over-estimate plant-available P in some soils, because that technique includes more complex P forms that plants cannot use. This indicates that labs need to be very careful when using this method to make fertilizer recommendations.


Phosphorus (P) can limit crop production in many soils, and soil testing is used to guide fertilizer recommendations. The Mehlich III (M3) soil test is widely used in North America, followed by colorimetric analysis for P, or by inductively coupled plasma-based spectrometry (ICP) for P and cations. However, differences have been observed in M3 P concentrations measured by these methods. Using 31P nuclear magnetic resonance (P-NMR) and mass spectrometry (MS), we characterized P forms in M3 extracts. In addition to the orthophosphate that would be detected during colorimetric analysis, several organic P forms were present in M3 extracts that would be unreactive colorimetrically but measured by ICP (molybdate unreactive P, MUP). Extraction of these P forms by M3 was confirmed by P-NMR and MS in NaOH-ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid extracts of whole soils and residues after M3 extraction. The most abundant P form in M3 extracts was myo-inositol hexaphosphate (myo-IHP, phytate), a compound that may not contribute to plant-available P if tightly sorbed in soil. Concentrations of myo-IHP and other organic P forms varied among soils, and even among treatment plots on the same soil. Extraction of myo-IHP in M3 appeared to be linked to cations, with substantially more myo-IHP extracted from soils fertilized with alum-treated poultry litter than untreated litter. These
results suggest that ICP analysis may substantially over-estimate plant-available P in samples with high MUP concentrations, but there is no way at present to determine MUP concentrations without analysis by both colorimetry and ICP. This study also tested procedures that will improve future soil P-NMR studies, such as treatment of acid extracts, and demonstrated that techniques such as P-NMR and MS are complimentary, each yielding additional information that analysis by a single technique may not provide.

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